haircuts? We all feel terrific after a good haircut, don't we? Mr. kenju and I went to our salon today and I think we are both about a pound and a half lighter now. I'm not sure if my hair is growing faster than usual, or if I didn't let my stylist cut enough last time, but I've hated my hair all month. It always hangs limply in the winter anyway, and when it is too long - I look like a bag lady who wielded dull scissors on her own hair.
And what is it with warmer weather that makes me want to clean the garage? Our temps are in the low 60's today and I just spent the last three hours sweeping, scooping, re-arranging and tossing. The car is filled with another load for the landfill (and Goodwill) and I have had my fill of fresh air and a bit of sunshine to boot. Plus I remembered that February is the time to prune a crape myrtle, so my miniature one (which isn't so small anymore) got taken down by half. I'll have to ask my friend Biff to come over with his loppers; there's a branch too large for me to cut with my ratchet clippers.
And what is it with Biff anyway? He used to blog nearly everyday and since he married Tiff, he hardly says anything on his blog. It's too bad because I used to really enjoy his early posts. Luckily, Tiff takes up the slack and does a fine job of it.
And what is it with cars? Why don't they last as long as you want them to without maintenance? I've noticed a leak on the garage floor for the last 2-3 days and when I was checking it out today, I decided it was probably anti-freeze, since it had a pinkish/red tinge. I put some of my old, non-clumping cat litter to good use - it soaked it right up! Then before I pulled the car into the garage, I laid down a lot of newspaper to soak up whatever spills out tonight. That way I can take some of that paper with me to the repairman and he'll know what it is. (I feel so smart!) I also know to keep the cats out of the garage until the car is fixed, since anti-freeze tastes good to them and it is poison. Did you know that? If not, I've done my good deed for the day.
I think the thing that resonates most with me right now is the haircut. I've tried but that just styled look only lasts for a week. :-(
Lucky you. Gardening already. We have so much snow on the ground it will be May before there is Spring. Can you tell by my pessimistic tone that I am sick of winter?!
Do you ever lie on a sofa and be languid? Thought not:)
I did not know that about cats at all, just as well we don't have one any more!
And you sound very perky today! :D
I need a haircut really bad, maybe this week end.
It was 60 here today also & I was in shorts. I need to clean out the garage sooo bad. Our car has been leaking anti freeze too, we are taking it in this week end for oil change and such.
take care
I did know that about antifreeze. It is sweet and they love it. Some sickos actually put bowls of it out for cats to kill them.
Hope the drip is an easy fix.
OHHHHHHH! You mentioned "CLEANING GARAGE"... why???? You know how I am with cleaning garages... I may not be able to resist now! ;)
I just my haircut after one that was not quite right. It does feel good.
Very smart to take a sample of leaking fluid.
Oh my - I need a haircut, too. Here's what's stopping me: $$$ and my crazy hairdresser and his wife. I have to really psyche myself up for a visit over there.
They have also decided it is their mission to find me a man. :) They trot out any single man they can think of every time - they just sort of drop by. I never like any of them. (I guess I'm picky.) :)
Yeah, what is it with Biff? :)
Spring cleaning! Seems impossible to think of in February, but with the temps the way they are it's good to believe it's Spring and hop on the bandwagon.
Being a bald headed woman, I truly miss my trips to the beauty parlor. More than the hair styling, I enjoyed the gossip hour:)
What is it with me anyway?? I'll pop over today with the loppers if you like!
Oh, and pink = steering, brake, or transmission fluid. Antifreeze is usually greenish. Sorry!
I love knowing that the weather has warmed up there. We sent all that beautiful sunshine and temps in the 60s all the way from California! It's snowing like crazy here right now. How did we turn the clocks back to winter?
Yeah, I have to admit that getting a haircut does make me feel good. I use to cut my own hair, but don't really trust myself to do a good job anymore.
I love to get my hair cut (I did on Monday), it makes me feel like a weight has been taken off my head.
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