Thursday, February 17

Golden Oldies

When I have nothing to write about, I fall back on showing you old photos; this time of some of the flower arrangements I did, admittedly many years (and over twenty pounds) ago. The top one was at  the North Carolina Museum of Art. Yours truly, beside a tropical arrangement with tropical food offerings. I have a hard time believing that was over 25 years ago. Check out those lace stockings!

This was for a safari themed party at the Capital City Club, for the Greensboro Convention and Visitor's Bureau. I used a wooden crate, painted it black, added the animals and made "bars" of black ribbon. Animal print overlays, mosses and tropical flowers completed the look. This was one of several large stations, all having similar arrangements.

This one was for a fall/harvest themed event at the Art Museum. I used my large copper milk can to hold the flowers and vegetables and a large basket holding an assemblage of vegetables and fruit. The arrangement was over five feet tall and it sat on a four foot tall pedestal. It made quite a show for people walking down the stairs to the lower level of the museum.

Another event at the museum; this one in the spring and I hope it evokes visions of what our world could look like come April and May. I painted four large, wooden wine boxes, in pastel colors and stacked them atop each other at odd angles, leaving open corners into which I placed small pots of spring flowers and put a large arrangement in the top box. Small terra cotta pots were tucked into the open corners at the base. This was one of my favorite "concoctions" over the 28 years I've been doing flowers. I still have those wine boxes and use them for storage.
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Betty said...

Your flower arrangements are always so beautiful. We could use you here at one of our local florists.

Ginnie said...

What fun...those stockings really make the picture ! Isn't it great to relive those times? ... and your arrangements are fabulous.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is definitely a model's stance in the first one. Maybe you should have called that guy.
You do amazing work Judy. I really liked the fall/harvest one.

srp said...

I remember those lace stockings..... and the fishnet too... with those short white go-go boots. I was in high school when those were in. You must have your pictures so organized. I have been trying to get mine straightened out a bit.. but still... aaack!

Celia said...

Love the stockings, wowie. I also really liked your jungle themed wooden crate and arrangement. You are quite a talented artist.

Rhyleysgranny said...

Oh my goodness when I saw that first photo I could have sworn it was Grannymar! Gorgeous arrangements. Oh and I love your stockings.

Pat said...

Such elegance Judy. You are the
Barbara Goalen of North Carolina. And they don't come better!

Sparkling Red said...

Great photos! I love the stockings. I bet that in one or two more years lace will be back in again in a big way. It's only a matter of time.

tiff said...

your arrangements don't seem to go out of fashion - all gorgeous.

Granny Annie said...

Could be you were a bit anorexic in the picture so the 20 lbs in 25 years couldn't have hurt:)

Grannymar said...

I have a twin! That could be me in the first photo. I love the arrangements and how you put them together.