Friday, December 17

We Turned the Evil (though tiny) Tide

When I saw this article in the paper, I was very pleased that the people of Raleigh and the surrounding areas responded so well and so quickly to turn away the protesters. Click to enlarge.
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kenju said...

I'm sorry it doesn't enlarge clearly. Raleigh citizens turned out by the hundreds to block the access of the protesters from Kansas to the funeral.

Kay Dennison said...

Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!! I am proud of all of them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the article. I could read it just fine. I heard something on the news about that group planning to protest her funeral. I just don't understand those professed Christians from Kansas! What a bunch of disrespectful idiots!!


Looking to the Stars said...

Some people have no respect for others. I'm glad Raleigh citizens stood up to the protesters. Its people like Raleigh that make me proud to be a part of the human race :)

Gilly said...

My computer turned up its toes at trying to enlarge that pic, but if you say it was a good thing, then I'm sure it was!!

Tabor said...

Boggles my mind what some religious zealots will do!

Tracy said...

YES!!!...wasn't that wonderful! I agree with Gale's comment~ it just doesn't make sense to me; where's the compassion and tolerance for people who's views and 'selves' are different or varied? It will always baffle me!

Arkansas Patti said...

I was sick when I heard what this group was planning. I never heard what happened and I am so glad the good people stood up for Elizabeth and against ignorance.
One of the best part of the article was that there was only 5 of those idiots that showed up.
Thanks for the follow up Judy.
I could read it fine also.

sage said...

i was able to read it and thanks for protesting... why can't funerals be dignified and not be made into political rallies? But I'm glad that their were those to shield the family from the Kansas lunatics.

Celia said...

Love to you and the people of Raleigh and their kind hearts. It's makes me proud too.

Pat said...

There are some very strange so-called Christians around.

Olga said...

Kudos to the citizens of Raleigh.

Maria said...

Very heart warming reporting. It is great to know so many will rally against stupidity.