Martyrdom has always been a proof of the intensity, never of the correctness of a belief.
Arthur Schnitzler, writer and doctor (1862-1931)
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
Wilhelm Stekel, physician and psychologist (1868-1940)

That didn't used to be true (about going down the tubes) but it is now.

(It isn't hard.)
Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is.
William James, psychologist and philosopher (1842-1910)
When asked the question......"Is it better to marry or remain single?", Franz Liszt (the great composer) replied......
"Whatever course one chooses, one is sure to regret it."
"Whatever course one chooses, one is sure to regret it."
Gotta love Maxine. Great quotes!!!! I always say that a life without regret is a life not lived. I don't know if anyone said before me but I can't find it on Google. Trust me -- I am living my life and have boatload of regrets to prove it. Sigh
What this post proves, of course, is that Maxine is the greatest philosopher the world has produced since 1950.
Love her! Good post.
"it isn't hard"
that really made me laugh!
That's so true about being married or single. There are negatives on both sides of the fence.
Isn't Maxine wonderful.
I think I am going to start following her philosphy on life.
Bear((( )))
I feel I know Maxine's face. She's just great.
We always want what we don't have. If you hair is curly you want it straight....if straight you want curly. As we age we are just happy to wake up no matter HOW we look or whether married or single. Hey....I'm breathing....alls good!
Maxine just knows how to say it, and she says what the rest of us are probably thinking.
I love your header!
Thanks... I needed some funny this morning. It's cold and rainy here.
I'm with maxine about the flower bed!
Maxine is always good for a laugh. (Too bad Maxine is really a man.) She's today's version of Will Rogers.
I'm with Brenda.
Maxine is the best!!!
I love the Maxine toons. :)
Have a happy thanksgiving!
Maxine! I never get tired of the humor. So so funny!
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