My daughter made this at the age of 11 or 12, in seventh grade art class. I should have had it mounted and framed! It is on such thin, flimsy paper that I am surprised it has lasted all this time. Of course, if I framed all the good art works my three children made, there would be scant wall space in my home!
Cool. It looks like it's on fabric. I'm looking around my office now at some paintings my sons did in school. The room used to be Josh's and you can still tell.
Always like dolphin images Judy, so I like that one too.
I think that is really WONDERFUL, Judy! Maybe you should frame it now before iy gets damaged.....! I know it has to have been hard to decide what drawings to frame and what not to frame. But you kept it and that means a loy!
I thought it was painted on glass!
Lovely simple image, I could live with it!
You should frame it now! It's nicely done and a good memory.
It has photographed well. You could still print it and frame it. It's worth it.
You could still frame it. My daughter framed 4 pieces of the CP's colorful nursery school finger paintings and grouped them on the wall over her sofa. It really looks good!
Very nice, Judy!
That is very nice. I would go ahead and frame it anyway.
I love this piece of artwork Judy. I can't believe it hasn't gotten damaged all these years too. I think you should frame it before it does. That's really amazing for an 11 or 12 year old Judy....it's quite simple and beautiful.
She should be a famous artist by now Judy, is She ?
This is precious !
If all your children are this talented then I think you best invest in a huge number of frames. I love this so much and my 12 year old granddaughter is looking at this with me. "OMG, she did this when she was my age!" Beth is impressed too.
I like the sepia effect. Is your daughter still using her artistic talents?
That is really good!
It's very unique too, also.
I can see why you'd want to display it.
Of course, we moms would want to display even the artwork our kids made out of Cheerios and glue.
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