“If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere”.
Francois de la Rochefoucauld.
An excellent quote, and one we should have committed to memory by now. It occurs to me that we could easily substitute several words for 'peace' and the quote would still make perfect sense; such as happiness and serenity. It all begins within.
And a very peaceful illustration for a very pertinent quote.
I agree with that one. I need to write that one down! Hope you finally got your tree up, and that you had happy holidays! ;O)
Indeed. However, he omitted the fact that it isn't always easy to find depending on circumstances.
I couldn't agree more! Terrific quote! Thanks for the reminder!
A brilliant quote! Why haven't I met that before?? So very true.
Another 3 ins of snow last night. I'm getting tired of all this!
Goes perfectly with the message we had at church this past weekend - that all transformation begins with US. We can't arrange circumstances to fix us...but we do have the power within us to do it ourselves.
Nice to know we CAN effect change, huh?
And... the smile is no good until you give it away!
keep smiling.
All I can say is, "Amen sister, Amen!"
So true! I love it!
Amen to that Kenju. I'm feeling philosophical lately as well.
Love it and so true. The greatest quotes hold the simplest truths that we often can't see on our own but bring forth those "Ah ha" moments. Ah ha.
So true. I heard a speaker say once that at a conference someone came up to him and his wife and said to her, "Does John make you happy?"
He said he got all puffed up waiting for her positibe reply when she answered, "Of course not."
His point was that we can't count on people, position, or circumstances to give us happiness. It has to come from within.
I read years ago and have never forgotten that the body doesn't even care if the smile is real or not. When you smile it sets good chemicals in motion and we feel better for it.
I have never heard this quote before. It is a nice find. Beautiful picture to go with it. I'm sending a smile your way!
So true. Old Francois had a million of 'em.
I think what Beverly has said is so true.
You can't love others unless you love yourself. :)
I have often found that if I am incapable of finding peace within myself it is because I am looking in the wrong place. I hit my knees, that is just how I roll.
Indeed, Indeed! Great quote and I si agree---you could sunstitute a lot of different words and it still works!
Judy - so true. Have a good day!!
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