What if you went out to start your car and spotted these guys?? Reportedly, that's what happened in Idaho.

Something weird is happening with blogger today, and I have no idea what the order of the photos and their captions will be. Sorry!
The poinsettia is one I have kept alive since Christmas of 2008. I didn't do anything special to it, but it is starting to bloom again, although this year it is white with a tinge of pink instead of the blood red it was last year.
The deer (five of them) were in my neighbor's backyard earlier this week, trying to forage in the bitter cold and wind. I named the two behind the tree "Push me - Pull you" in honor of Dr. Doolittle!
The fat cat in the Santa suit belongs to the daughter of an old classmate of mine. And I thought my cats were fat!!
Speaking of my cats, there's Storm in her favorite position - her nose to the toes of my shoes.
The deer (five of them) were in my neighbor's backyard earlier this week, trying to forage in the bitter cold and wind. I named the two behind the tree "Push me - Pull you" in honor of Dr. Doolittle!
The fat cat in the Santa suit belongs to the daughter of an old classmate of mine. And I thought my cats were fat!!
Speaking of my cats, there's Storm in her favorite position - her nose to the toes of my shoes.
Love the photos!!!!!!
You always find the neatest ones!!!
What are those beautiful animals in your top photos? Cougars? Nothing exciting like those in the UK! I wish I knew more about the US States - I could just about point to where Idaho is, but no idea what sort of a state it is geographically - forests? mountains? plains?
Better get Googling, I think!
But your deer are lovely!
Great photos Judy. Our car wouldn't start today and even now a chap from the garage is giving it the once over. The milk situation is not good!
My brother saw one of these in his neighbors backyard (they live in the suburbs of Boulder) and they had to call in DNR to come stun it and remove it. It was stalking a domestic cat.
Well Judy, I have no clue what I'm doing but I know I just posted a comment and it's not showing up... it's been awhile but sheesh... have things changed so drastically that I'm seriously missing something? LOL I know you have comment moderation ... but ...
I would love a yard full of big cats and deer though not at the same time.
We are getting snow here and it is sooo beautiful. So glad I don't have to go anywhere though except for a walk later.
Someone was very quick to be able to grab the camera for those cougar shots. I would have been terrified. It is very difficult to document sightings because people can't capture such great pictures.
Have you guys thought about therapy for Storm?
Cute pics!
Great pics :) I especially love the one of your kitty with your slippers. My Bob used to do the same thing and purr like a nutter!
Those mountain lions (cougars) are stunning creatures. I've never seen one in the wild (and I'm pretty glad for that!). I would not go out of the house until those three were long gone.
Love the shot of Storm sniffing your shoes! :D
I have seen one big cat here....but lots of tracks. They are big. And scary. And dangerous. I had trouble with blogger with my last post. I'm not sure what the issue was but few people could comment.
When I lived in Utah, I went into the office early one morning when we had a lot of snow on the ground--between the parking lot and the door were big cat tracks. A few weeks later, about 1/4 mile away, someone pulled into their drive and saw a mountain lion nestled up against their garage door.
I would take that as a definate sign to stay home.
Hey Nice pictures. I'm about 65% sure that when you buy poinsettias in a store the soil content is rich in potassium. Maybe planting it in the yard depleted some of the potting soil that the plant came with. Generally potassium makes green grass greener and other plants brighter. Or is that phosphorus? Anyway, so much for my two cents. Nice blog.
I don't think I'd like to see a cougar in my yard thank you...though they are beautiful animals...but, no thank you. Great photos.
I love the cat in the santa suit! It reminds me of an illustration for Puss in Boots, without the boots, of course!
I like the quote. It's what I'm trying to do and yet some ideals are worth fighting for, albeit non-violently.
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