Tuesday was my first time volunteering at the Raleigh Flower Shuttle, but it won't be the last. I had a good time meeting people and arranging flowers in small containers. There are many opportunities for service; if you don't know how to arrange them, you can be one who picks up the donated flowers, or part of the delivery staff. I had heard quite a bit about them over the years, but I was pleased to see how organized everyone was. They really have it down pat.
On the first Tuesday of each month, they have a program, usually put on by a local florist or designer. Not having advance knowledge of that, I wasn't prepared to stay for it. People usually bring a bag lunch to eat during the program.
Of course I wanted to take photos, but because it was my first time there, I had to stick to protocol and do as I was told.....LOL (I don't do that often or well). The woman who started the local shuttle talked about how fulfilling it can be to make deliveries. Most of the people who receive the arrangements don't have many visitors and seldom, if ever, receive flowers - so they are overwhelmed and often cry. After I am more familiar with the program, I may start delivering as well. I have long needed an outlet for volunteering that is doing some real good in the world and I think I've found it, thanks to my old friend Nancy, who I had not seen in a while. She alone, was able to spur me out of bed and into the car on a very cold morning (18*) - I wouldn't have done that for just anyone! But I'm sure glad she asked!
If you have a similar program in your city, I urge you to look into it. You don't have to know how to arrange flowers, judging from some of the "arrangements" I saw there today (although it helps). You'll have fun and fellowship and you'll be rewarded by the gratitude and happiness you see all around you.
Of course I wanted to take photos, but because it was my first time there, I had to stick to protocol and do as I was told.....LOL (I don't do that often or well). The woman who started the local shuttle talked about how fulfilling it can be to make deliveries. Most of the people who receive the arrangements don't have many visitors and seldom, if ever, receive flowers - so they are overwhelmed and often cry. After I am more familiar with the program, I may start delivering as well. I have long needed an outlet for volunteering that is doing some real good in the world and I think I've found it, thanks to my old friend Nancy, who I had not seen in a while. She alone, was able to spur me out of bed and into the car on a very cold morning (18*) - I wouldn't have done that for just anyone! But I'm sure glad she asked!
If you have a similar program in your city, I urge you to look into it. You don't have to know how to arrange flowers, judging from some of the "arrangements" I saw there today (although it helps). You'll have fun and fellowship and you'll be rewarded by the gratitude and happiness you see all around you.
What a WONDERFUL Program this is...And I can see how it fits you like a glove, Judy!
Hopefully you will be able to take some pictures eventually---it would be so interesting to see how this all works!
BTW: The Grisham book arrived yesterday....!!! (That was incrediblt fast...) And I cannot put it down! (Well, I do....but I don't want to. I've already read about 100 pages...So, thanks so much for the recomendation!
You truly bloom where you're planted! The world is a more beautiful place because of you.
Wow!!!!! This sounds great!!!! I don't think we have it here. However, I think it would be a great idea and I would enjoy volunteering.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!!!!
Great idea Judy - it's always the busy people who find time to do more for others.
That sounds like a great program. I'm sure it is very rewarding to you as well.
We do not have such a place available in our area but you have sparked my interest. My grandmother took flower arranging and she grew beautiful flowers and arranged them and gave them as gifts. My sister and I both have often commented on how lacking we are of our grandmothers talent.
Judy, out of curiosity, when will you have time to deliver flowers?
That's right up your alley, Judy. I'd like to hear more in detail... how it was started, who gets the flowers and how they are chosen, etc. etc. Interesting !
That is the perfect volunteer job for your wonderful talents.
Think the delivery part would be so rewarding.
Way to go girl.
What a great program and it fits your talents and interests to a tee! I'm going to check to see if we have anything like that here!
What a great program. It's right up your alley, too! This story has made my day - Thanks!
That sounds like a grand program, and really so perfect for you. I've been wanting to do some volunteer work, but I keep postponing getting involved until after we buy our house. Roger, on the other hand, is out this morning cutting firewood for the local senior program. I'll have to use the two of you as my role models!
What a wonderful idea!! something so little can bring so much joy to people.
I hope that you get to take some pics the next time!
What a great idea!! The closest we have in the UK is Meal On Wheels I think, where volunteers deliver a hot meal to the housebound or elderly people.
I forget how many years I worked at NCR but it was the first place I worked after I got out of the US Army in 1956. I left there in fall of 1968 and went into teaching. I mostly worked in R&D and also Military Equipment as the Vietnam War was underway and we were building stuff for the armed forces.
And we made photochromic goggles and electro-mechanical goggles to close the lenses so the brightness of the explosions would not burn the retina of the eyes of the pilots and crews.
It was a long time ago.
I also liked your post today.
This is truly a wonderful program, bringing sunshine to someone else's little corner of the world. I love it :)
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