My greatest skill has been to want but little.
Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)
It has always seemed absurd to suppose that a god would choose for his companions, during all eternity, the dear souls whose highest and only ambition is to obey.Robert (I accidentally deleted the last name and info.....sorry....but I think it was Ingersoll)
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
Roger Miller, musician(1936-1992)
Speech is for the convenience of those who are hard of hearing.
Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)*********
We had big thunder boomers and lightning here today from about 5pm on until just a little while ago. It's just as well the computer was turned off, because I had to see the last competition on American Idol and the finale of Dancing with the Stars. If David Archuleta doesn't win Idol, it won't be for lack of my trying. The phone has been dialed constantly for the last 4 hours. Miss Kenju wants David Cook to win, but I think Little David is a much better singer! Even Simon agreed tonight! Plus, his fundamental goodness shines through everything he says and does. I applaud that, in these days of apathy and self-indulgence shown by many. The other David is good too and a real gentleman from what was said about him.
Kristi Yamaguchi won DWTS, as was predictable from the very beginning. She is a ray of sunshine nearly all the time, and now that I know she and her husband (who, until recently, played for the Carolina Hurricanes) will be selling their house and moving to California, I'm a little bummed. I had hoped to run into her at a small local cafe I know she frequents, so I could tell her how much of a fan I have always been.
I'm always sad when Idol and DWTS are over for the season, but So you Think You Can Dance starts soon - so I'll be back rooting for my favorites in no time!
I'm always sad when Idol and DWTS are over for the season, but So you Think You Can Dance starts soon - so I'll be back rooting for my favorites in no time!
Those are good!
You can always rely on Thoreau.
I think David Cook is a great singer (they both are), but I think he'll do better NOT winning, kwim? If he's not under contract, etc. I feel his career will just take off. David A., too, but he's young enough that being under AI contract might be really good for him. Either way, they're both quality contenders!
I must admit I haven't been following these shows....I have seen a lot about them on other shows though....It is interesting that on the blogs it seems to be evenly distributed between the two Davids....(Isn't that funny that the two finalists would both be named David....?)
I really like all those quotations Judy.
Thos thunderstorms awere something, huh? Threw me in a panic beccaue I was out driving in them, and i'm not a huge fan of that kind of behavior.
Great quotes!
I was so happy that Kristi won the Dance Competition. She was the best!
I remember when she was ice skating,even in the beginning, she always had the most beautiful costumes. Little beads dripping from her sleeves and sequins in just the right places.She was lovely, both on and off the ice.
So, I was happy she won. She has entertained me for many years with her enormous talents.
Yet another set of great quotes, thanks for sharing them.
I love DWTS. It's OK with me that Kristi won but I will say I was rooting for Jason or Christian.
My favorite of this season was Marissa. What a wonderful, genuine, happy, sweet person.
Robert Green Ingersoll. :)
I just entered the quote(copied) into google, and it came up. Great quote too.
Archuleta all the way!
~S :)
Is that a bumper sticker at the top? I need that. I am OVER this whole stupid election at this point!
It sure is good to be home!
that's it. i am done with american idol. every time i heard the judges praising david cook this season i wondered which of us was smoking the crack because we clearly weren't listening to the same person. that being said, i do agree that little david will end up being the next michael bolton. i would like to squeeze the stuffing out of him though... he is just too sweet and adorable.
oh yeah... on kristi and DWTS. yay! she was amazing.
kristi has always been such a nice person and her hubby has always been a class act on and off the ice.
As sad as it makes me, that first quote is rapidly turning into my favorite 08 campaign slogan.
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