Saturday, September 29

Do You Need One of These?

I hope that all of you have had as good a Saturday as we have! The weather was just about as perfect as we could hope for, with sunny blue skies, no humidity and temperatures in the high 70's. The only thing I'd have liked better is a slow and steady rain, since we are in a severe drought hereabouts. It said in our paper this week that Raleigh's water supply has 120 days worth left, and after that is used, we will have to buy water from other areas. I sure hope that old man weather takes pity on us and brings a lot of rain our way this fall and winter.

Our daughters were here today; one with her husband and children, who did an act of kindness for me - they closed our pool! We had not had time to do it since mr. kenju went into the hospital, and it was getting near the time it must be done. Otherwise, leaves and acorns blow into the pool everyday and the upkeep is very tedious. Plus the water level drops everyday due to evaporation, and I had to add at least 1/2" of water to it everyday. In a drought, we need to avoid that if possible, so I am really glad it is closed for the winter.

Tomorrow, our son and his family are coming for a visit. Seeing all the children is a real boost to mr. kenju's spirits (and mine too). I did tell my son, who always raids the refrigerator, that there is more food here now than there has been in months! That is thanks to my wonderful neighbors, who keep bringing food to us. Yay!

Have a wonderful Sunday - and what is left of the weekend. I hope to get around to see some of you tonight, but right now, it is time for mr. kenju's bath and shampoo. Thanks to all of you who have commented recently about mr. kenju. Please know that we both appreciate your care and prayers, your recipes and meal planning suggestions and your presence here, whenever you can visit.


David Edward said...

sounds like a good, family weekend

Anonymous said...

I just read back a month or so to find out what was up with the Mister. I'm so sorry to hear about his stroke, albeit a bit late. I'm just gotten out of the hospital myself after a long stay due to heart problems. I'm on a permanent low sodium (2 grm/day), low sugar, low fat, low taste diet. It sucks. Honestly, it does. I've learned to adapt somewhat. You can't buy anything canned, even tomatos. You have to do everything fresh. No packaged foods. Easy for me because I never really used packaged foods, but I know how hard it is day after day after day.

If you ever want to chat about low sodium cooking, you know where I am!


Evil Twin's Wife said...

That's so wonderful about your neighbors and friends bringing meals - That is such a help.

I'm glad the kids are visiting too! What a nice weekend.

Beverly said...

I love that remote. Someone sent it to me the other day too.

How nice to have your children coming to visit. I'm sure it does boost Mr. Kenju's spirits, and I know you don't mind either.

-E said...

I love the remote hehe. Sounds like a nice weekend so far, I hope the rest of it is enjoyable too.

Here from Michele.

Anonymous said...

wow I need to find one of those for my mom.

michele sent me to say hello/

yellojkt said...

What's that a remote nagger? I think I would lose the batteries to that thing in a hurry.

Raggedy said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Huggles and Love,

November Rain said...

I need a remote like that

here via Michelle to wish you continue to have a nice family weekend

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend! Here's hoping for a few days of nice, steady rain.

Panthergirl said...

Hey.... what's with the down arrow for sex?? One of those erroneous stereotypes for women!!

Hope Mr. Kenju is on the mend!

Nobody sent me... came all by myself. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ah ha! So THAT'S what the new remote is for in our house!!! ;)

Glad you've had some help with the seasonal chores!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hope today is another good one Judy...It is so wonderful that your kids are being attentive and caring and helping you with not only the pool but with the cheering of both you and Mr. Kenju---you've got good kids, Judy, and that must be very heartwaming, and gratifying, too---to know that you and Mr. Kenju did such a good job with instilling the loving values of "family" to them. I know life is different now---at least for the present, and that is always difficult in terms of adjusting and scheduling, etc...
I think you are doing fantastically!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to read the update. I have a lot of respect both for your love and care of Mr. Kenju and also the acknowledgment that's it's hard to always do it with grace and calm. You're not a saint- you're wonderfully rich in "human." Lucky you that your neighbors and friends are consistently bringing food; that suggest you have been a good neighbor,yes? If I were closer I would bring you food...

And I love the quote in your last post. Love it.

Kristi said...

Please sign me up for one of those remotes!

What a great weekend you're having. Here in upstate NY, we're enjoying similar warm temperatures. And how nice to have your pool closed. It's such a hassle, and a chore I would gladly hand off to someone else!

Bobkat said...

Sounds like you have had a great weekend :)

Still sending you and Mr Kenju lots of best wishes.

goldenlucyd said...

Dear Judy,
Just to let you know Lucy and her family are thinking of and praying for you and Mr. Kenju. There are so many things about you remind
that remind me of my dear mother-in-law Sarah. You both personify strength and fortitude. Keep on keeping on; you're an inspiration to all of us.

Diane Mandy said...

I'm glad you've had such a great weekend, surrounded by your family. And you are right--the weather is perfect!

michelle said...

That remote is so funny! I'm glad your kids have been coming by for visits. Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this challenging time is also a time of family for you guys. Enjoy that.

Jamie Dawn said...

YES, I need one of those remotes.

It's good that you got your pool closed and ready for its fall/winter break.

Pat said...

Glad things are looking brighter. Re the pool - we don't have one but my beautiful fountain doesn't have to be put to bed for the winter because I never uncovered it this year. That tells you what kind of a summer we have had.

Shephard said...

Wow, sounds like you've had lots of help and visitors. That's wonderful to hear. You'd be tuckeredx10 if not!

Cris said...
