I know that some of you were hoping to see the finished product and not just the raw materials, but I simply didn't have time to stop and photograph anything. When you are sending out over 500 orders in 2-3 days - you can't stop for anything but lunch - and that is short. Our lunches were provided over the last four days, though, making a nice perk along with the job. I had a fourth photo, but it must have been bashful because it disappeared. |
You will make so many people happy today with your work! I hope someone does something nice for you. Happy Valentine's Day!
The colours are wonderful and now I can see them to full effect!
Wow you are working hard! I bet the finished arrangements looked beautiful. :)
Lovely, lovely flowers...in fact, I thought of you the other day. My husband brought me flowers and so I had to arrange them in a vase; which is not my forte` so I thought, ummm, I wonder what Judy would do with this...well, I'm sure you would have done a much better job than me!
The flowers are beautiful. A reminder of Spring. If I close my eyes I can almost smell their wonderful scent over the miles :)
Happy Valentine's Day, Judy. The flowers make me think of Spring.
Just beautiful! I love your talent and love the fact that I get to see it :)
Wow!!! How lovely!!! I am especially fond of daylilies!!!! Sounds like you need a well-deserved rest.
Happy almost late Valentines! I got myself some pink tulips today and they reminded me of you and how busy you must have been for this holiday. Lovely photos.
Those flowers are beautiful! I love stocks - I think they are often called Night-scented stocks" as the perfume wafts out strongly in the evenings.
I could do with a warm summer evening, no wind, strolling along with the scent of stocks blowing round me..........
Those stocks will do me:)
So glad your nose hasn't become immune to the pleasure.
Lots of happy ladies thanks to you.
Hope you have something nice and restful planned for at least a day.
I love the smell of lilies but often forget they have the bright orange pollen. Nothing like sticking your nose in one to drink in the luxurious aroma and coming away with the bright pollen nose. And that pollen sticks and spreads to everything.
It is fine to see the stock photos because we all know what beautiful arrangements you can produce:) Now, get some rest.
What wonderful raw materials to be working with! So beautiful. I love lillies but won;t have them in my home because of the cats. I do love seeing them though :)
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