This cold virus is trying to get the best of me, but I am on top of it. I went out this afternoon to buy some Muc*nex, as well as run some other errands. After I got in the car, I realized I had drycleaning to pick up also, so I went there first. I handed over the ticket and the guy came back to the car carrying a shirt on a hangar. "It was supposed to be folded", I said. He turned, after rolling his eyes and shaking his head, and entered the shop. When he came back, he said, "We'll get it folded for you and it will be ready when you come back."
While he was in the shop, I discovered, much to my dismay, my purse was not in the car with me; I had left it in the garage. So I drove back home to get the purse - also, once again, forgetting that I should get our joint checkbook, which I needed to buy our prescriptions. Off I went, back to the drycleaner. This time they sent out a girl to speak to me. She had some story about how the "shirt-folder" was supposed to come to work at 2pm, and maybe she'd be there by 3pm, and I could come back (yet again.) BY that time, I was getting a bit peeved. So I drove off to do my other errands. I went to the bank, got a late lunch, went to the pharmacy and the grocer and then back to the drycleaners. This time the shirt was ready and I was very pleased to discover they would not charge me for it. (I don't think I would have paid anyway.)
Here's what made me the maddest about the day: the main reason for my going out today was to pay a bill at Kohl's. Being sick for a week kept me from noticing the bill was coming due (or that's my story anyway) and I really need to get to the store and pay it. Because I spent so much time doing other things, I forgot to go to Kohl's today, and I'll have to go tomorrow. Add that to forgetting my purse and the other checkbook, I'm bewildered.
Good thing I'm sick and can blame it on that - I'd sure hate to think my memory is that bad!
Wow that shirt must take some special kind of folding then? What do they do to it?
I'd blame the illness too!
Please do a little less - and get well. Sorry about the day :)
The first thing that goes when I'm sick is my memory followed by any logical ordering of things. Relax, you'll be good as new when you shake this thing!
Your brain is just plugged and fogged up with meds and that darn cold.
Hard to believe no one else could fold a shirt.
Thing 1 has noticed with this recent cold iteration that' being sick makes you just not care about things.'
Wise words, eh?
I think truly your mind is telling you to stop and focus on yourself getting well; NOT the other things that you feel necessary to do.
Please get well...too many people I know are just being run down by the bug so don't allow that to happen to you!
Sounds all to familiar to some of my days
I agree totally with Tracy!!!!!
You can definitely blame it on being sick. It's been proven that your mind and your body work in tandem and when one if off kilter so is the other. I know it's true for me.
Time for a rest and a day with the feet up!
Now I don't feel so bad about thinking it was Tuesday, all day Wednesday! We have taken to keeping calendars everywhere... kitchen, the master bath and Mom's handy dandy pocket datebook which she would die without. Still.. remembering to put things on the calendars... particularly the kitchen one that everyone looks at... well, still can sometimes be a mess.
I would say it IS because you are sick, my dear....We just aren't all there when we feel really sick!
Hope you shake this off, very soon!
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