Saturday, February 5

"Be Here Now" was written by Ram Dass, formerly known as Dr. Richard Alpert, former teacher at Harvard University and known for both personal and professional associations with Dr. Timothy Leary, of LSD research fame. I know many of you will be turned off immediately by his past associations; yogic and psychedelic - however if you were to read this book, you would find much wisdom in it.

The reason I bring it up today is that much of the philosophy in yesterday's poetry post can also be found in this and other books by Ram Dass. Some who commented mentioned the "let it be" aspect and if you are interested, this book can shed some light on that.

Mr. Kenju and I were privileged to attend a lecture by Ram Dass in the 80's, in Virginia Beach. Considering all that it was in his past, he appeared to be a very gentle soul. Unfortunately, he suffered a stroke in 1997 and is unable to speak or write. All his previous writings, however, are worth a look.


Kay Dennison said...

I've read his work and love it!!! Thanks!!!!!

Pat said...

This sounds like the sort of book I would find helpful and hope to read it at some stage.

Arkansas Patti said...

Will give it a look, thanks.

srp said...

It is probably in the library... have to check and see.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Ram Dass! How fortunate that you were able to hear him in the 80s. Roger and I ordered a new copy of "Be Here Now" a couple of years ago. It's one of those books that has to be in our bookcase always. Have you seen "Fierce Grace"? Fantastic documentary about Ram Dass.