Wednesday, February 2

Another Golden Oldie Repost

I wrote about my mom's sister here. In the body of that post is another one, leading to her artwork. Enjoy!

The cold I've had for a week is still with me, but I'm better, thanks in part to my wonderful and thoughtful house guest, who brought me a box of tea called "Throat Comfort" and some excellent chicken soup and good bread for lunch today. I recommend the tea; it would be good anytime.


Arkansas Patti said...

Hay, your oldies are newies to me and I enjoy them.
I really will have to look into Thoat Comfort tea.

Pat said...

What a talented lady. I love the little box.
With chicken soup and that tea you must get well. Otherwise it's off to the doctor quick sharp!

Kay Dennison said...

Your aunt was lovely. Sounds like you inherited her artistic bent!

Feel better!!!!!

srp said...

Well, after our balmy temps yesterday, it is cold and windy... just a nice day to stay inside in front of a fire and all bundled up. One of those hull filled neck wraps that you can microwave... oh, those are nice too. Get well!

Joy Des Jardins said...

Your Aunt was very artistic Judy...kind of like you. Gosh, I wish your cold would go away...sometimes they seem to last forever. Pamper yourself whenever you can sweetie...Big Healing Hugs, Joy

utenzi said...

The best thing to do is stay away from sick people. I'm sorry to hear that practically your entire family is sick, Judy. :-(