Wednesday, January 12

We Have a Bully in Our Midst!

The bird in the tray runs off any other bird that attempts to get some seed. I wish I know how to ban him while giving free access to the others.I have watched him/her for two days, and he/she simply won't let anyone else near the seed. The others have to wait until that one slings seed out onto the ice.
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Anonymous said...

Sad that you can find them anywhere.

Tabor said...

We also have bullies, but they seem to trade and usually even the little ones will get some food. You just need another feeder.

srp said...

This looks like a dark eyed junco. I don't know much about how they act. But hummingbirds do this all the time. They spend so much time trying to keep all the other hummingbirds away, I really don't see how they have time to eat themselves.

Olga said...

My husband actually goes out and chases the offenders like this away. He tried a small sign--"Take one seed and go"--but it really wasn't that effective.

Pat said...

I think you should have a serious talk with old bully boy. There's too much of it about!

Arkansas Patti said...

I usually sprinkle extra seed on the ground for the shy, less aggressive birds. My junco population is usually pretty peaceful and are my favorites. You have a rogue.

Anonymous said...

I would use another tray. They are both Dark eyed Juncos. Probably both males.

Bobkat said...

I get this but usually they leave when they have had their fill and the other birds just wait their turn. Have you tried another tray of food elsewhere?

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I agree with the others - use another tray or feeder. He can't lord over 2 at the same time! :-)

Sparkling Red said...

I guess "Big and Scary" is a relative term.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Bad bird bully. I wish one of the other birds would just stand up to him/her...and peck-it-out.