Sunday, January 30

Thanks for the kind words on yesterday's post. I'm better, but I'm not out of the woods yet. Apparently, we have a cold for a week or seven days, whichever comes first. I'm on day five and I wish I could skip Monday and Tuesday and go straight to Wednesday - when I'm hoping to be well. Y'all take care now, lest you get a cold too!


Looking to the Stars said...

Glad you are better, it will be nice when you reach that 7th day.
hope it flys by fast for you :)

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Be sure to get lots of sleep and liquids. Does this sound like your mom speaking?

Arkansas Patti said...

Each day gets you closer to taking clear breaths. Hang in, take care and maybe? rest.

Granny Annie said...

Bwess its widdle heart:)

Anonymous said...

Guess you are out of the woods now and OK.

My COPD is acting up again. It was hard to get my breath yesterday. Nothing seemed to help.

Today is better. I am thankful for that.

I am glad you got to see my series on Robins on My Birds Blog.

You might be interested in seeing the series I did on young rabbits at Abraham Lincoln's Blog.

SY said...

get well soon! :)

Celia said...

Glad you're making progress, sorry you're still afflicted.

Pat said...

Don't rush it and get a relapse.

Anonymous said...

Your colds are kinder than most of those I see around here. They last 2 weeks or 14 days. ; )

Too bad you couldn't get close enough to your unlicensed driver defendant to give your cold to him.
Cop Car