I can blame it on being sick, I suppose, but semi-weird things keep happening. For example, I took some cold medicine too soon last night (or this morning - it was 5:30am). I shouldn't have taken it until 8:30 am, but having gotten up in the middle of the night (3am, unable to sleep) I couldn't wait to be relieved of the stuffy nose and headache, so I took it - not remembering the time until it was too late. It was no problem; all that happened was that I took a 3 hour nap, which was sorely needed.
A couple of days ago, I bought a huge bag of cat litter and then discovered after opening it, that it isn't the clumping kind. Darn! I was so ticked at myself. The cats hate it too, so now I have partial bags of three different kinds of cat litter - and they hate all of it. And then today, going out for stamps, medicines, and some groceries, I bought something in powder form that I usually take in capsule form. Of course, I had already opened it too, so it can't be returned. It cost $25, so I can't just toss it. I guess I need to be more careful and look before I leap.
There were at least three good things today, though. I had $17 worth of coupons at the grocery store. That's nothing to sneeze at (although I've been sneezing and coughing all day, despite the medicines.) Plus the line at the Post Office was so small I was in and out in 2 minutes and it was nearly the same at the camera/photo shop, where I had some prints made. We are getting some good weather this weekend; today it was 52* and the weather people say we will have temps in the 60's by Sunday. YAY!
Hey Judy,
If you want a place to donate the cat litter, then CARA (Carolina Animal REscue) where we adopte4d our kitty is seeking the non-clumping cat litter. you can look them up on-line and see where they are located.
I hope you are feeling better...
Thanks, Tracy. I'll look them up and donate the litter.
I hope by now you are feeling better. I take two kinds of cough medicine and suppressant.
Tracy beat me to it. Glad that will work. You can always write it off your taxes as a donation. Every litter bit helps.
Small lines at the post office is what has my family that still work for USPS sweating.
I find that these mishaps come in threes.
I hope you keep feeling better.
You are brave to list the amount of purchases you have made that go wasted because you opened them. I do that so often and am always happy when I find someone who wants them.
My loving spouse makes a big deal when I leap before I look yet when he does it there is always a valid explanation:) Let me guess...Jim is the same way?
Perhaps you need to open a stubbie (a 10 oz bottle of beer) just grab onr from the Esky (small ice cooler usually used to carry stubbies in).
h, I hope you feel much better by this time and that you continue to feel beter, my dear Judy...!
Taking that medicine at the wrong time worked out well, my dear....Sometimes the unconcious knows better then the concious..!
At a certain point these kinds of thimgs start happening---Looking before leaping certainly does help...lol!
It is that way sometimes. Feel better soon. And please try to wave some of that good weather my way. Maybe we could melt some of this snow.
There are days like that when everything seems to go wrong, but I am glad there were also some positive things to help.
Hope that pesky cold goes away. Bummer to have one.
Or the litter comes in handy if it ices or snows again. Better than the salt. I put some salt on the driveway after the Christmas snow and either that or simply the water and refreezing and all that has caused some small areas of the concrete to chip off. Aaaargh.
Isn't that one of the great things about blogging ... you get to tell about buying the wrong kind of cat litter and, lo and behold, Tracy knows just the organization that needs it. !!
Sure hope you feel better soon.
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