Monday, January 24

Norman Rockwell

The North Carolina Museum of Art has a Norman Rockwell exhibit (until 1-31-11) and if you haven't seen it, I recommend you go. I have a magazine of Rockwell art which was published in the late 70's, and I've shown some of these before, and if you search for 'Norman Rockwell' on my blog, you'll find 10 links.   Here are three more examples...
"Norman Rockwell encompassed youth and age, innocence and wisdom, within the horizons of his art. His place was secure in his time: While values hold, he will belong to the future."
"For the most part, Rockwell left battlefield and bombs to other artists; his war was the war at home, and his most eloquent wartime covers are the ones with 'homecoming' as their these. For this serene evocation of the joys of small-town summer his model was a sailor in training at Williams College. The house in the background is [in Arlington, VA]. The shoes are Rockwell's, and the dog is his son Tommy's.
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Celia said...

Rockwell is one of my very favorites, thanks for reminding us of him. I have several books of his work. Hopefully his exhibit will appear closer to home.

Celia said...

Whoopie, after reading your post I looked the exhibition up on the web AND after it closes at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh it travels to Tacoma, Washington, where American Chronicles opens on February 26, 2011 at Tacoma Art Museum. I am so thrilled.

LL Cool Joe said...

I love his work. :)

Pat said...

I'm a fan of Rockwell. He spells America for me

kenju said...

Celia, I tried to leave a comment for you - but it didn't show up. I am so happy that you may get to see this exhibit!!

Since I can't comment, I'd like to know your email address, so that I can write you when I have a comment. Email me at, please.

SY said...

I feel a little smarter now... thanks for sharing his work

- Sy

Arkansas Patti said...

I adore Norman Rockwell. He always showed the very best of America.

Kay Dennison said...

I love Norman Rockwell. My parents subscribed to the Saturday Evening Post when I was a kid and I always looked to the covers.

Anonymous said...

I love Norman Rockwell's work! Of the ones you showed here, my favorite is the sailor in the hammock.

srp said...

His pictures were wonderful, they captured a time I think a lot of us would love to see again....

Tabor said...

Ever since I was a little girl I was a Rockwell fan. Something about his peacefulness and gentle humor drew me in.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I have always loved Rockwell and wish I could see that Museum Show....And I remember your Rockwell Posts from before. I always felt he depicted the "war" at home so very beautifully...In fact, his depiction of all of American life was fabulous---at least the idealized version of American Life.!