Friday, January 7

More Did You Know?

(Can you tell I have serious writer's block?)

1. One of the most costly and damaging ice storms in recent history hot North America in January of 1998. Phone and power lines collapsed....and 4 million people were left without power. Falling ice or fires set off my collapsing electrical cables killed 25 people and the damage is estimated at $1 billion.

2. The first toilet ever seen on TV was on "Leave it to Beaver."

3. Owls are one of the only birds who can't see the color blue. (I'd like to know how they found out.)

4. According to the U.S. Government, people have tried more than 28,000 ways to lose weight. People haven't yet accepted that all you need to do is eat less and start exercising.

5. A skunk can spray its musk accurately up to ten feet and less accurately to about 16 feet. If you see one, run!

6. Frank Sinatra always asked for chicken and rice soup to be available to him in his dressing rooms before he went on stage. 

7. Corn oil comes from corn, olive oil comes from olives. Where does baby oil come from?

8. If you have an open mind, is there a chance your brain will fall out?


Nancy said...


I remember that storm of 1998 very well. We had 56" of snow on our lawn in Pennsylvania, but that wasn't the problem. The real trouble came the next week when the temperature went up to almost 50 degrees and all that snow melted at once and every river and stream overflowed and flooded everything.

Our cottage sits on a little stream that overflowed it's banks. We are 13' above the water and the water came in up to six feet. It came to the top of our bunk beds. Can you imagine the muddy mess that was when the water went down?

I really enjoy it when you publish these interesting facts about weather and animals etc. It makes very good reading.

Kay Dennison said...

I like these posts -- it's darned hard to come up with fresh material every day unless one writes politics and that gets too draining.

My favorite is #8. I think my brain went on vacation and hasn't come back for longer than I care to think about.

Tracy said...

Okay, I give, so where does baby oil come from? or perhaps I don't want to know?
Very interesting thoughts...I love trivia like that; I can never remember it but I like to read it.
I hope you are doing okay and have settled a bit after your hectic holiday season.
thinking of you....

Pat said...

Good news! The banana peeling works:)

Nancy said...

Love these facts - and now I have to ponder where baby oil comes from...

Looking to the Stars said...

I loved the facts, I'd like to know too, how they found out about #3 :)

srp said...

Ah, some days my brain feels like it fell out a long time ago! These are great!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

GOOD ONES, My Dear Judy! I love Frank Sinatra wanting Chicken Noodle Soup--He understood the Healing Benefits of Chicken soup and the soothingness of Hot Broth, too!

Arkansas Patti said...

I love this stuff. If only I could remember it all. Maybe I am guilty of that "open minded" thing.

Joy Des Jardins said...

I enjoy these posts Judy. We all get writer's block from time to time. I've posted similar ones....I think they're fun and interesting.

Bobkat said...

Where do you get all these from? I would like to know about the owls and the colour blue too!

LL Cool Joe said...

I had a bit of writers block too. Strangely enough I had loads to blog about over the holidays, but didn't have the time to do it. Now I have more time, and nothing to blog about! :D

Grannymar said...

Blue seems to be an important colour for all birds, just look at how many of them have blue in their feathers.

I hope your energy is coming back after that hectic schedule before the holidays.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Incredible points to ponder!