Sunday, January 9

For some odd reason, I've been noticing chandeliers lately. This one hangs in the ballroom of the NC Governor's Mansion.  There was an interesting story about one of the chandeliers (the dining room, I think), but I don't remember enough of it to tell you. It was something about a family who had once been rich (in their home country) and they emigrated to the USA, and  for some reason, they donated their family home chandeliers to the state of North Carolina. I'll try to find out what the true story was.

This one (of a pair) hangs in the outer office of the Governor of North Carolina.  I can't tell if it is bronze or dirty brass - but it surely does put off a lot of lumens - which bounce off the white ceiling and result in very bright light. That room has large windows also, so it is almost like being outdoors. The capitol building is old and drafty, but this room is always like a sauna bath. The women who worked there had on suit jackets, but I'd have to be (or would want to be) in a tank top if I spent much time in that office! It's no wonder that the fresh greenery we put in there looked as if it had baked in the desert when we went back to take it down.
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srp said...

Perhaps they should put in bulbs with less voltage, or some of those new fangled ones they want us to use. Oh, love that cartoon!

Pat said...

I have two - not nearly so grand but one is antique and amber coloured and the other I've had for about fifty years.

qandlequeen said...

I love looking at chandaliers. There was one at an antique store in Memphis many years ago that was HUGE. The four of us visiting the shop would not have been able to join hands around it. The owner said it came from an old plantation house.

Gilly said...

Lovely chandeliers. Hard to clean though!! There was something on our TV a while ago about how the National Trust (who own grand houses, land etc. for the nation) has to clean their rooms in the winter, before the public come round again. The big chandelier had to be taken down, drop by drop, cleaned, and then all hung up again. I remember it took about two days or something just to unhook every little glass drop!

I hate hot offices!!

Arkansas Patti said...

I love chandaliers, in someone elses house. They must be brutal to clean. I have trouble keeping my ceiling fans dust free.
Aren't you tax payers paying for that heating bill.

Tracy said...

very favorite chandeleirs were my Grandmother's who owned a lovely old farm house that sat on top of a hill. She not only had chandeleirs but she had lamps with the crystals dangling and they all created such beautiful shadows and colors on the wall.
take good care!

Ginnie said...

Years ago I was almost crushed under a chandelier that fell and I've never forgotten it. I love the looks of them but always steer a little clear of being beneath !

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Hmmm. Very interesting. I am fascinated by chandeliers, too.