Sunday, January 23

Does this man look 70? The question is rhetorical, because I already know he doesn't. He was lucky enough to inherit genes from his father, who was also very young-looking until he got ill in his late 70's. Mr. kenju was born on this day in 1941, making me three months older than he is. From now until October 30th, we are the same age, but after my birthday, I will be "a year older than he", or so he says. Considering the bad stroke he had 3 and a half years ago we are very lucky that he still draws breath and has his faculties (well...most of

A side note:  Thanks to each and every one of you for the nice comments you left concerning my sixth blogging anniversary. It confirms my thinking about bloggers; you are a wonderful bunch of people!!
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Tracy said...

I am certainly glad he is here to share in your life and perhaps bug the heck out of you at times; isn't that what ALL husbands do?
He's a handsome fellow!

Kay Dennison said...

He looks great!!!! You two make a handsome couple.

Thumper said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Kenju! Nope, he does not look his age, not even close...

Celia said...

Good genes indeed, may you both have many more years of observing when you're a "year" older.

Olga said...

Wow, handsome hubby. Here's to many more birthdays together.

Grannymar said...

Wow! I hope I look as good as both of you when I reach the next round number.

Happy Birthday Mr Kenju!

Tabor said...

I just lost another blogger...feeling the emptiness and wondering if there is somewhere in blog heaven where he can continue to write and take photos?

Ginnie said...

Judy: it's so nice to see Ken's picture. I only met him the one time but it's great to know that the stroke did not take away his ready smile. Say "Hi" to the Birthday guy for me.

SY said...

ya definitely doesn't look 70... and he sounds pretty funny.. glad he's still around, 70 is pretty young

- Sy

Sparkling Red said...

Aw, that's your sweetie? He's a handsome fellow, and certainly doesn't look his age. Please pass on Happy Birthday wishes from me!

Jo said...

No, he does not look 70...!!! He must have a very lovely wife who looks after him well. ;-)

Star said...

You obviously keep him young. Happy Birthday to your handsome hubby. Here is to a year of all good things.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Wow! He certainly did inherit the youthful genes! And, the good looking ones too! Happy Birthday to him. Hope he has a great day.

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Kenju. You are a handsome dude but couldn't you wrinkle just a bit? Honest, wrinkles don't hurt.

srp said...

A very happy birthday, one day late to be sure, but nevertheless, I hope it was a very happy and nice day. Today is my brother's birthday... a mere babe at 49.

Anonymous said...

No, he does not look 70! But I am not even sure I know what 70 looks like anymore. A very happy birthday to a very young looking 70 year old!

Pat said...

Happy Birthday Mr Kenju!
A fine figure of a man if I ever saw one:)

millie garfield said...

It was very nice to see a photo of your handsome hubby.

Happy birthday to you, Mr Kenju. Lucky you, you inherited good genes and are married to a wonderful lady!