Wednesday, January 26

Creepin' Crud

I have it. It started in my nose and throat; who knows where it will end up? I have to go to court tomorrow, regarding the wreck we were in last January. I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about it.


Star said...

Feel better. Good luck tomorrow. Are you dealing with this snow. If so maybe it will be postponed.

Celia said...

Not that you asked, but I use lots of hot orange spice hot tea with honey in it. Makes me feel better even if I'm not. Hope the crud is just a wee one.

Kay Dennison said...

Yikes! If you have what I have, it doesn't go away easy! Get well!!

Sheri said...

Feel better and good luck at court.

Beverly said...

Hope you feel better soon!

srp said...

Hope you get to feeling better... that crud is awful! And to have to go to court as well. Good luck and may it be quick.

LZ Blogger said...

Bummer... I hope you feel better VERY soon! ~ j///b

Pat said...

Poor you. Skip court if you don't feel better.
Now I know the difference between crud and atonities - or whatever that word was:)
I've just won a game of Scrabble so my tears have dried.

Tabor said...

Court and are getting your share this week.

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh no--- can't you get a postponement? If not, be sure to sneeze on the opponent, that will teach them to mess with you.
Feel better soon.

Olga said...

Hop you feel better, but at least you seem to be getting all the crappy stuff out of the way at once.

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh dear, get better soon!

SY said...

orange juice... lots lof Orange juice SERIOUSLY..

Anonymous said...

I had it. I hope you get over it. And good luck in court.

colleen said...

Put some eucalyptus drops on a tissue and breath it in deeply through your nose and then mouth. It kills buggers.

G in Berlin said...

Good luck in court- it always stresses me out! And I second the tea with honey- at least it will hydrate you!

Looking to the Stars said...

I hope you get better. I do what Colleen shared and it really helps. Make sure to get your rest. Going to court raises your stress level and plays havoc on your immune system. Take care of yourself.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Oh I hope your court date goes well Judy...and feel better very soon. Stupid Creepin' Crud.