Wednesday, January 19

"Cane River"

by Lalita Tademy was the book we read for last night's book club meeting. It is a story covering five generations of slaves in a Louisiana family, starting in the 1800's. 

From an interview with the author:

"Writing Cane River  affected me actually more than I suspected it would. The day that I got the Bill of Sale that displayed, visibly, that my (fourth) great grandmother Elisabeth was sold in 1850 for $800 was really an amazing experience in many ways. I was first and foremost elated. It proved that she existed categorically...and very quickly, I went from elation to absolute dejection......This is not a book about slavery. This is a story about mothers and daughters. This is a story about relationships. You don't have to be a southerner. You don't have to be African-American. You don't have to be a woman to enjoy it."

We all agreed that we liked the book, though it was hard to get into the story at first, it was worth the effort and time.

We had some wonderful food at the meeting. A delicious orzo/shrimp salad, wonderful meat balls, great marinated shrimp, yummy deviled eggs, black truffle brie, pimento cheese and peppered Boursin with various crackers. I made a new appetizer, which consisted of minced cucumber and green onion, mixed with cream cheese and served on a round of whole wheat bread with a slice of cucumber and a slivered almond. It needed something else. I added mint to the cream cheese/cucumber mixture, but not enough apparently. I think more mint and some good black pepper would do it. We ended the meal with some delicious pumpkin bars that had a chocolate base (it could have been Oreo cookies. They were really good! I took a plate up to mr. kenju, who was hiding in the bedroom. I think he forgave me for sticking him upstairs for the


sage said...

I've seen the book--it sounds interesting

Ginnie said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Judy. I am always looking for something good to read.

LL Cool Joe said...

I think I would have preferred to hide in the bedroom too! :D

Pat said...

I'm sure the authors would be grateful if they realised their books were being leavened by delicious eats. It would soften my critical faculties:)

Kay Dennison said...

Sounds like a great book and a great time with excellent food!!!!

MaR said...

It sounds like a very interesting book!! the food sounds delicious :)

Anonymous said...

Impressive post. I enjoyed it and the recommendation.

Thanks for taking a look at my decorated envelopes.

qandlequeen said...

I've never attended book club, but it sure sounds like fun.

Arkansas Patti said...

I recently read that book on your recommendation. I thought it oddly written but the story, rather stories, were eye openers and it was amazing how the generations of women in that family stuck together.
I truely felt black and frustrated while reading the book.
The pumpkin bars sound awesome.

Sparkling Red said...

Those pumpkin bars sound fantastic!

Celia said...

I just finished "Cane River" and thought it was amazing. It was all the more interesting being the author's family.