Tuesday, December 28

My Birdy Buffet

Two in line and one waiting in the chair. When I first grabbed the camera, there were six or seven on the tray, but as soon as they say movement through the window, they scattered. Only these three came back for the photo....
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srp said...

The birds have been very busy at our feeders the last few days as well.

Arkansas Patti said...

I know--- it is so hard to photograph them--any movement makes them vanish.
I have so darn many birds now that I am going through 50 pounds of seed in less than a week. I have no idea how to close the all you can eat dinner. Guess I need to become a greeter at Walmart to support my birds.
They are worth it though.

Gilly said...

We have lots of birds too, here in the UK.

But what are those birds in the photo??

Ginnie said...

Aw...that's adorable.

Anonymous said...

I like seeing them on your tray in the snow. It's a lovey image.

Kay Dennison said...

What a great photo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think those three birds must be the hams of the flock. They were posing for the photo. I'm sure all the birds are very thankful for the food you are providing. It's slim pickings during the winter months.

Pat said...

What a kind bird mother you are.
I ran out of fat balls and put some chicken fat out for them but they must have felt like cannibals and eschewed it.
'But what are those birds in the photo??'
Gilly: they are American birds;)