Monday, December 27

1500 + 1,017 = 2,517

As I logged on to blogger to write a post, I noticed that yesterday's post was number 1500, all of which were written between 2-06-07 and now. I can't imagine! When you add to that number the posts I wrote at Just Ask Judy, starting January 2005, it brings my total posts on Blogger to the grand number of 2,517. Of course, some of those were not writings, but photos - and some of them were cartoons or ideas stolen from others - so I can't take all the credit. I suspect mr. kenju would say he's not at all surprised, since he thinks I talk all the time.

I have two things to talk about tonight:  

1. The Bachelor. ABC, listen up. Brad was a loser last time and I will not watch this season, although I have watched every season since you began the show. I will not waste my time watching him (or girls with vampire teeth.) What idiots. The show is jumping the shark, if it hasn't already.

2. The couple who "lost" $800K on the Fox game show. GIVE them the money already!! They were right - even if your people didn't know it  at the time - and you OWE it to them. I won't watch that show either, unless you do.

I am aware that my pronouncements against these shows don't mean a hill of beans to ABC or Fox, but perhaps if enough of us tell them, they might listen.


LL Cool Joe said...

That's a hell of a lot of blogging Kenju! :D

I don't know the 2 programmes you've mentioned so I can't comment.

Hope you had a great Christmas anyway.

Kay Dennison said...

Over 2500 posts? Good stuff!!!! Congrats, sis!!!!! I had best get to work!!!

RE: TV: I cancelled my cable over a year ago. Most of what they call enrertainment, turns my stomach. I can get all the Law & Order, NCIS, etc. reruns I want from Netflix and watch them without a commercial every 5 minutes for a lot less money. I get my news and Jon Stewart et al off the Internet. And sports? I can get what I want to see for less than $25 a year or listen to it on the radio or Internet. Makes no nevermind to me.

Tabor said...

You are prolific...aren't you?

colleen said...

I started 2 months after you. Whodathunkit?

Peter said...

Judy you are nothing if not prolific, hope they listen to your programming instructions and that 2011 is a great year for you and yours.

John said...

Congrats on all those blog posts! Hope to see lots more. I never watched The Bachelor, but watch Entertainment Tonight (LOL), so I know all about it and agree with you there. I won't be watching it. I also never watched or even heard of that game show on Fox, until it made it on to every news outlet. I agree, absolutely that couple deserve their money. They won it fair and square.

Arkansas Patti said...

I think they call that a body of work. Incredible. It has taken me 2years to get to 350 so I am totlaly in awe.
Congrats big time.

Rick Rockhill said...

I also enjoy blogging- I've taken short breaks here and there when I get muddled down in something else but I return to it with joy.

Lisa said...

on that #2 thing: I KNOW RIGHT!? i cannot believe that couple hasn't gotten a lawyer... and i'm against getting one for just anything like most people do, but this is soooooo NOT FAIR. omg. they got it right, give them the money. now. they get another chance? wth is that???

Pat said...

In addition you do face book and play a mean game of le*****. when do you sleep?

srp said...

I don't watch either of them... TV becomes more and more a waste of time.
Congratulations on the posts!!!!

millie garfield said...

I saw in the newspaper this morning the quiz show admitted that the couple was correct in their answer and have invited them back on the show BUT will not give them the money they rightly deserve!!


Congratulation on ALL those posts!!