The Library in the Mansion is always themed and this year, the theme is Education - a pet project of Governor Easley and his wife. Hence, the one-room school gingerbread house (a work of art, I think). It was made and donated by Donna Ford, of Sweet Memories Bakery in Apex, NC. All fully edible and smelling like pure butter and sugar, it is a delight that will be oohed and aahed over by adults and children alike during the public tours and private parties in the Mansion this season.

Beside a photo of our Governor Easley, his wife Mary and their son, sits an arrangement I did which incorporates educational supplies mixed in with the holly and ever-present Cardinals (our State Birds).

This one sits atop very tall bookcases, and again, I used educational supplies.

Mel Day did the mantel and Rhonda did the spray over the mantel. Excuse the ladder, but since it is red, I guess it fits in to the color scheme.

Mantel detail.

These wreaths adorn the 6 windows in the library (made by Rhonda).
This looks like a fun way to decorate---using a theme and getting to show off your talent!
It is soooo beautiful! I love it!!!! The Ohio state bird is the cardinal, too.
I really admire your talent!
Lovely. Every year a local specialty shopping area does a dsplay of gingerbread houses. Which are amazing. Every year they are bigger and more elaborate.
Beautiful! I especially love the cardinals - oh and the gingerbread house!
So talented!
It just keeps getting more beautiful.
I like the school bus driving down the ribbon!
I like the schoolbus going down the ribbon - clever!
Looks right nice there Kenju.
Seems Sage and I think alike.....
and i should read all the comments before posting my own.
These arrangements are beautiful Judy! Ya'll should be proud :)
P.S. No worries on the book hon!!
It's great that you have photos of them. It would be sad if the memory of them disappeared each year.
Part 1 and 2 are absolutely spectacular, Judy. What a pleasure it must be to decorate this mansion and all the places you do at the holidays.
So, what is it looking like inside the Kenju household?
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