Another of my mother's keepsakes that I couldn't bring myself to toss out. It isn't an antique yet - but it is well on the way (as am I.) It has an article about all the governors of WV, starting with Arthur Boreman, who became the Governor of WV in 1863, on June 20th. The man on the cover, Matthew M. Neely, was the 21st Governor of WV.

Click to embiggen! This is a page inside the review; showing the WV State Capitol Building and the Governor's Mansion. The state capitol stands today as one of the most beautiful in the United States, with its gold dome and stately appearance.

This ad is on the inside back cover, and extols the pleasures of a hot shower (provided by electricity.)
I think materials such as this are interesting. I can understand why you want to save it. They also make me think about how much what I think of as current and up to date today will be viewed by those that come after me.
I always enjoy looking at old newspapers or magazines. Some of the ads are the best parts.
Can you imagine what someone in a couple of hundred years from now will think about some of our stuff today.
Net chick sent me today.
I cleared some junk out of the attic today - with the help of my son. I suspect you are like MTL and can't bear to throw anything away.
Never get tired of seeing this memorabilia, did I spell that right? lol...
WONDERFUL goodies, Judy...I could NOT have hrown these things out, either....They are precious!
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