Carmi's Theme of "Broken" was easily obtained this week. A quick trip into the archives of the kenju files brings this image of a former temple in The Roman Forum. It is indeed broken, but the fact that any part of it still stands after many centuries, is awe-inspiring.

The Venus de Milo, in the Louvre - Paris. Broken, but no less beautiful because of it.

Winged Victory, also in the Louvre. Even headless, she is a testament to feminine beauty, and to the artistry of her ancient sculptor.
Great images, Judy!
You did very well with this heme!
Absolutely lovely images of ancient glory! It always amazes me what was done so very long ago.
So very beautiful.
How I wish I could see them in person.
Bear((( )))
PERFECT, Judy. Broken, indeed.
Thanks so much for telling me about Private Practice...I saw Kim on Monday, and we were talking abour this episode, NOT knowing when it was going to be on....(In the old days, the Production Company would send out a card to all the talent, telling them when an episode would be on---They Don't Do That Anymore....DRAT...)
So....I read your email about 2 minutes before that show started here....And if you hadn't told me, I would not have known....I thought she was wonderful...Not an easy part to do....! She had told me way back that it was really the 'caregiver's' story, and I can see why they wanted Billy Dee...He was Sooo Good!
Thanks, my dear Judy.
Great photos--you captured the theme.
Thanks for the reminder of the beauty one has been lucky enough to see in the past.
These are wonderful images!
I've always love that winged victory, but never knew the name of it, thanks for that:)
Great photos.
You world traveler! When are you gonna come my way?
I nominate the Sphinx!
great toe is broken and I am an could have posted a picture of me!
Yeah, they don't build 'em like that anymore!
winged victory would be worth the trip, and then there is so much more.
well done,
gord H
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