Monday, December 31

What is a Kissing Ball ?

Several people asked in the comments yesterday what a kissing ball is, so here's your answer:

These three sisters are carrying kissing balls made of bells of Ireland flowers. Kissing balls are an alternative to baskets of flowers or scattering rose petals. Many churches will not allow fresh rose petals to be dropped, since they can damage carpet. They can also be dangerous if there is a bare floor; the possibility exists for a person to slip and fall.

The kissing ball above is made of cream and pale pink roses and small ivy leaves. They are made (as you can see) with a loop of ribbon or cording so the child has something to hold onto. It is always a good idea to caution the child not to swing the ball on the ribbon - or you'll likely see petals and flowers falling out at an alarming rate!

This one is made of hot pink and raspberry roses, and is used to mark the aisle to the ceremony for an outdoor wedding. There were six of them, and they hung on wrought-iron shepherd's hooks.

Kissing balls can hang from the ceiling - or from a chandelier - usually with mistletoe attached. We always have two of these in the foyer of the Governor's Mansion, usually made of holly and mistletoe. I have made kissing balls for a bride to carry instead of the traditional bouquet. For several years now, decor and floral magazines have shown kissing balls atop tall glass vases for table centerpieces and buffets, or hanging from gazebos and arches. I believe this trend stems from the popularity of gazing balls in the garden, and is a natural progression of the design.

Does that clear it up for you?

(I had a hard time titling this post. My original title was "All You Ever Wanted to Know about Kissing Balls", but something told me that wasn't a good idea ............LOL!!)

Happy New Year to One and All!!


Beverly said...

Well, your original title would have gotten some rich comments, I'm sure. LOL

Happy New Year, Judy. I hope that this new year is much easier for you than the last.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of 'Kissing Balls'!

It original title was excellent and made me laugh!

May your year ahead be full of health, happiness and friends!

Changes in the wind said...

Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year to you!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

You know, I read this whole blog with nary a dirty thought in mind until I read the original title part. LOL.

Now, I wish I could get married again and have the kissing ball.

Happy New Year to you and Mr. kenju

craziequeen said...

And based on the old tradition of pomanders - used when bathing was not a regular occurrence, sanitation was non-existent and disease was rife.

Pomanders were made of herbs and spices and hung from the belt and delicately held up to the chin when needed.

Michele sent me :-)


Jean Campbell said...

You answered everything I wanted to know on the given subject, but I'd like to see more photos.

Too much is never enough.

Panthergirl said...

What an unfortunate name!! I loved your original post title. Your visitor roster would have been extremely interesting as a result...

Such cute girls! And thanks for the explanation. Kissing balls only means ONE thing up here.

Blonde Goddess said...

Happy New Year!
The pictures are beautiful and so are the girls. I think the kissing balls were perfect!

Anonymous said...

I want to know where they got the mistletoe from!! I never did find any, Judy, not even some fake mistletoe. I could have ordered it through the internet, but.....ack.

tiff said...

The original title had me spitting Diet Coke. Hilarious!!

Brenda - come on over to Wake Forest - we've got misteltoe hanging from oaks all OVER town.

JeanMac said...

Well, you gave me a morning laugh!A very happy new year to you, too.

Wonelle said...

Perhaps you'll consider writing a post about "all you ever wanted to know about kissing balls"? It could be quite funny!

Michele sent me.


Kristi said...

LOL-I love your alternate title. My much-younger sister (she was 8 at the time) carried a kissing ball as the flower girl in my wedding 6 years ago. They're so pretty.

Happy New Year, Judy, and I hope 2008 brings health and happiness to the Kenju family.

Bobkat said...

OMG! That last comment about the kissing balls made me laugh! :D

Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year. I look forward to reading your blog in 2008!

Betty said...

It was probably a good thing you re-thought that first title. lol

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh I am so glad you wrote about this Judy...."Kissing Balls" were AFTER my time doing Wedding Ceremonies....They are so very pretty! Lovely idea, indeed!
I had to kaugh at your explanation of titling the post...And you are so right about that...LOL!

sage said...

And now I know... that's for clearing up that--mistletoe seems the most obvious ingredient for a kissing ball

whimsical brainpan said...

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Have a Happy New Year!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Yeah, that other title would have had your comments soaring from the search engines. I didn't know these were in vogue, though I do have a mistletoe one still hanging in my entry hall. What adorable little girls!

I was also thinking about your blog's title when I double clicked "Imagine What I'm Leaving Out." That's the way blogs are, aren't they? Because we choose to be public, one has to be careful what one says for fear of violating other people's privacy. I leave a whole lot out, I can tell you.

Happy new year back to you and Mr. Kenju. I hope this year goes better for you both.

Anna said...

Hey Judy! Happy New Year! I am trying to start bloggin again tonight but I cant isnt letting me. Did something change on blogger that I am unaware of? Figures.
Love ya,

Carolyn said...

Hmmm... and here I thought a Kissing Ball was some kind of romantic dance party, lol!!

Granny Annie said...

You are hyterical! Wish you would have used that original title. LOL Thanks for clearing up the mystery of kissing balls.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO at your original title! Probably wise to change it!

Star said...

Thanks. But you know you will still get some strange hits on google.

Carolyn said...

Loved seeing the kissing balls and the arrangements at the rehersal dinner too. You made me laugh with your last line in the kissing ball post. Nice to visit your blog and I'll be back again.

Diane Mandy said...

Glad you rethought the title, although I did a double take on the current one! :-)

Happy New Year, Judy!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Well, we can just IMAGINE what you didn't write then.

I love the idea... and you could always do rose petals out on the walkway or sidewalk or courtyard. :)

I can imagine... white balls with lavender accent flowers.


Anonymous said...

As I am still hopelessly trying to catch up with my blog reading, I read the post about the kissing balls and wondered what they were exactly. And here is the answer!
One more expression for me to have learnt.
Love it!

Crimson said...

I didn't know those had a name! I love them!

Shelze said...

I don't know you, but I just wanted to let you know that I linked your blog to mine so that my family could see what a kissing ball is. I am getting married in August and my 2 year old niece is my flower girl. I heard about this idea, so when I was talking to the florist he was totally for it. I love the pictures by the way. Thank you!