Rockwell's rendition of the old-time family doctor, usually a gentle man who was kind and had all the time in the world for every member of the family - even the dolls.
I searched for quotes about old-fashioned doctors, but I didn't get very far down the list until I found this, with an interesting illustration! One can only hope that the doc in the ad will give the same service as the doc in the picture.
My every-four-month doctor's appointment fell yesterday. All is well, it seems. My cholesterol is 169 now, since I've been on medication for it. Yay!
My vitamin D levels are too low, and have been for a while, even though I have been taking 1000 USP units of it for over 4 months. I was told to get in the sun at midday for at least 20 minutes, and DON'T wear sunscreen. What will happen if I do that? Can I trust my skin not to turn cancerous if I do what it takes to up my vitamin D levels? It's a puzzle. My doctor said that scientists have now found that vitamin D is very instrumental in preventing some forms of cancer and keeping the immune system healthy. When I got home from the doc's office, I read the new issue of Scientific American and there is a whole article about vitamin D and the benefits of it. A word to the wise.....
I too had cholesterol levels deemed marginally too high by the medical professionals, started taking Crestor at the lowest possible dosage (5 mg) and now have numbers WAY down there! Then I read articles like the recent one concerning dementia, saying that those with HIGHER cholesterol levels have a significantly LOWER incidence of Alzheimer's.
Pick your poison, I guess.
I have read that sunscreen and fear of sun has caused a number of problems like this. Also the skin absorbs that stuff. Just what the heck in in it. The old time doctor photo makes me want to weep at how far we have gone from that.
I have never heard of this issue with sun exposure of lack thereof. Wow.
It has taken me over a year to get my cholesterol and all of the corresponding levels down...diet and exercise only but the diet changes were radical. I will be starting a chemo"cream" for the cancer on my eyebrows...directly related to sun exposure in my youth....just cover up the important places.
My doctor told me to go out and sit in the sun...which I only do at this time of the year because the warmth is pleasant...
Love N.Rockwell's family doctor!
I had read that vitamin D was important but I didn't know how much it was implicate din cancer prevention.
Nothing beats the Vitimin D in nature, does it...? I have got to get more sun. Right now, the air is so awful I haven't been out at all...
I LOVE that particular Rockwell. If only our doctors were even remotely like that these days...It sure is a very different world, isn't it? Remember when doctors made House Calls?
Love the Norman Rockwell paintings Judy.
I'm so glad you're doing well on the cholesterol front. I worry about everything, and this is one of my biggest fears - for myself and for my friends.
Funny how conventional wisdom is constantly bouncing from one end of the spectrum to the other. I think the trick is to take it all in, then find some kind of middle road. All I know is that, despite my by-the-book slathering of sunblock on our kids when we go outside, nothing recharges the soul like watching them sit in the bright sun as they point their heads skyward and drink in the warmth.
Sometimes, I think we've safetied the fun out of life.
I have no memory today. Sorry: dropped by from Michele's on this lovely sunny Friday morning.
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm browsing through yours right now.
Your comment there inspired me to change my tagline.
I recently found my vitamin D levels were low, too. Took supplements and it evened up. Now we have to check and see if I need to stay on those supplements!
Judy - I have loved Norman Rockwell's work for years and years. I even got into some works of one of his nieces too. As for doctors... I now has a women doctor, which was quite a change for me. But the doctor that I had before we left California, looked about like the Rockwell paining, but his name was Payne. Everyone laughed when I'd say, "I've got to do see Dr. Payne"... most assumed that I was going to see the dentist! ~ jb///
Hello,Michele sent me.
I'm looking forward to this series. I've always liked NR and think the hope realized within his work is so foreign to us today.
What do we hope for ourselves today? Nothing so simple as past generations, I'm sure.
I'm too busy worrying about my husband's health to do much about my own. But my own is great.
We have a very different way of counting cholesterol - here 8 is bad - 4 is good.
Please Judy I beg you do not sit in mid-day sun without sun screen. Of course VIT D is beneficial and the best time to sit in the sun is between 8am and 10 am and 4pm till 6pm and that doctor deserves a boot up the stern!
There are some things I am very sure about and this is one of them.
wow, great cholesterol, Judy. my doctors always worry about mine for some reason because my HDL (the good kind) is exceedingly good and my LDL (the bad kind) is almost non existant because my body doesn't produce it. so the only bad cholesterol i get is from what i eat and they say sometimes that i don't get enough...????
Michele sent me over today/
what about one of those artificial sun lamps? the kind they recommend for people that suffer from SAD (seasonal Affective Disorder).
Hi Judy... About the three sisters? Yes! And there is a picture if the three right there in my post and I believe I mentioned Magda in the text...! She was the oldest sister of the three, and Eva was the youngest..
I love that Norman Rockwell painting....and all his stuff.
When my cholesterol got a little high about 4 or 5 years ago, I started taking Crestor. It has worked well for me. Twice a year blood tests say my levels are good; but ideally I'd like to be able to take nothing. I guess I need to change some things up to be able to do that.
That picture is how you used to want things to be like.
Michele sent me here.
Great advice about Vit. D. I kinda try to wear sunblock only every other time, making sure to get Vit. D. :)
The doctor reminds me of John Ratzenburger from Cheers. :)
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