Our neighborhood is organizing Halloween Trick Or Treating this year, and I am not sure that we will participate. Mr. kenju is not supposed to have high fat/sugar/salty foods, and I know that if I buy candy for Halloween and we don't give it all away, he will eat too much of what is leftover (and I will too). He and I have both lost weight since he had the stroke - and I do not want to put back on any of the nine pounds I lost! My dilemma is that if I don't buy enough, we run out before all the children come and if I buy too much......well, you know the rest. I suppose I could donate it to Goodwill....LOL!
This one is for Pat or Pi!
(It took a minute for this one to sink in.....LOL)
lol... great cartoons!
Hmmm. Well... the later it gets, the more candy you could hand out to each kid? lol Whatever's left, give it to a neighbor who works at an office, and they can take it and put it in a bowl for people?
Michele sent me today!
~S :)
I love the pumpkin pie cartoon. Shephard's suggestions look good - or could you hand out apples, oranges, small packets of raisins or dried mangoes or something? (I love dried mango). And I have a great "no-added sugar" fruit cake recipe that would use the left over dried fruit.
Or how about some non-edible treats - small toys, joke books etc?
Fortunately we don't really do Halloween in New Zealand, although it has been trying to catch on in recent years.
I forgot to say, Michele sent me.
Just dropping by and thought I'd say hello. Really enjoyed the cartoons. Bed webber. Tee hee.
I don't do Hallowe'en. I just leave the light off. There aren't that many kids around here, anyway.
Just dropping by to say hello and thanks for your visiting!
Have a nice weekend!
I go to the bank and get rolls of quarters....the few kids that we get love money!!!
I think that you should get lots of candy, but make sure to take it down to some place that gets a lot of student volunteers as treats.
Michele sent me this time: though I've visited quite often recently, in a lurky sort of way --- my parents have been here and I've been really busy....
HAHA! The bedwebbing made me giggle. :)
When it starts getting late for trick or treaters, just give 'em lots of bonus candy!
Hiya, Michele sent me!
(and sorry you couldn't comment earlier--sometimes haloscan is ugly like that)
Michele sent me but I will definitely go visit Olive thanks to you... what a great idea!
that is a dilemma! hope you come up with a solution :-) thanks for visiting.
When I went along with the kids, there were several people who would hand out pencils. Seriously.
Cute cartoons. :)
BTW, Michele sent me.
I'll have you know Missus I did not put on an ounce whilst on hols. But will have to watch it whilst the kids are here. Re unsuitable food just do what's best for you and Mr Kenju. It's your turn:)
I think you should be enough and then give away wqhat is left over. That is what I used to do when kids were coming by on Halloween Night..(They don't anymore...) I alqways overbought, afraid I would run ut if I didn't and then before I could chomp on too many of thse little dear candy's, I would take it someplace where I knew it would be happily eaten up, and NOT by me! (LOL)
I love the cartoons, I might borrow them.
In the UK we are so bogged down by health & safety that giving anything to a child might not be a good ides.
For example
Hard candy: fear if choking.
Pencil: lethal weapon.
Balloons: fear of suffocation.
Nuts: fear of allergy.
Hi Judy - I love the bed-webbing cartoon...... :-)
How about buying lots of candy and ,after Halloween, pass it to local children as Bonfire Candy?
The Brits have never been very good at Halloween, and we don't really appreciate Trick or Treating.
Michele sent me to confess that, even with munchkins, my fear of masks means I am terrified of them.
Since we are at the new house, I think the number of kids coming around will be way up this year. Thanks for reminding me. I must ask one of the neighbors about the average head count.... in Mississippi, it seemed as if they bussed kids into our neighborhood for Halloween. One year we made up 150 little bags and ran out in less than two hours.
I loved the top cartoon. Especially because that is what Mrs. LZ and I are currently doing to cut down on some carbs! ~ jb///
The last house I lived, we used to get over 150 kids..it was so much fun, I would decorate the whole yard, cemetary, cob webs all over..laughing scull on a table at the door...I really enjoyed it..ppl took pictures every yr..and often asked if they could have my pumpkins for their halloween parties the next day...when I moved to this house...I got all ready for the same crowd...and had all of 5 kids!! OY VEY...I ate candy for EVER that yr...needless to say...I only fix a few backs now for the neighbour kids lol.
I love the cartoons. You could always buy candy and set it in a bowel out on the porch. I can almost guarantee there won't be any left by the end of the evening!
Michele sent me.
Have we bought our candy yet? Yep, we have already gone through about three batches and we aren't even going to be in town on Halloween! LOL P.S. Square1 needs to know that candy out of a BOWEL would not be appetizing. LOL
I bought mine early and ate it early. Don't knock on my door I'm out trick or treating.
Hello, Michele sent me back again today...loved the cartoons...
The other thing you could do is give out nickels. We did one year and the kids seemed to like it. Of course we get about 500 kids...seems our neighborhood is considered the "one to hit"...
Pumpkin Pi!! That's smart humor!!!
Congrats on losing 9 pounds!! I wouldn't want to gain it back either. I suppose you could hand out Nurtigrain bars or little boxes of raisins. The kids would NEVER forgive you though.
Buy candy that you and Mr. Kenju don't like, that you can't stand! and give that out instead. Then you won't be tempted. ;)
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