This was torn out of an old National Geographic magazine years ago. I had saved it because it reminded me of someone in my mom's family, even though my relative never had worn a hat like that or bib overalls. About 20 years ago, we attended a sidewalk art show here in the area and found a water color of the same scene (painted from the photo), and the resemblance was even more striking. The artist, Kenny James, named his painting "The Peddlar". I had intended to photograph my print and show you both that and this original photo, but I don't have time to do it now.
The caption on this photo and the caption given to the painting by the artist vary somewhat - I think you can click to enlarge the photo and read what the original caption said. Here is what the artist wrote:
"Listen, lady, I've been through the great depressions, three recessions, I've lived a long, hard life, I've been fighting this red clay soil a good part of it and I just placed my wife in six feet of it. I've sent sons off to fight in three different wars, and frankly ma'am, if you don't want to give me three bucks for my melons, I don't give a damn."
It hangs on my den wall and it speaks volumes, to this day.
Guess what? My gmail came back! I just kept clicking on it, and finally, it loaded and I got everything back! YAY! Hope that doesn't happen again! I will change my primary email back to gmail in a few days, but I want to make sure that it will be okay before I change it. Wish me luck!
I have missed reading your special posts on life.....you have out done your self with the last flower pix....Judy, I know I say the same thing when you do a special event....but you are so talented and each one is unique and seems so very personal.
he looks frighteningly similar to my dad lol
That photo is priceless. I think we all know someone or have someone in our family who is like him.
I love the quote, and I'm glad you got your gmail back.
Great photo...love it. Good luck with your g-mail when you switch back Judy.
This man deserved a bit of happiness in his old age...his sad look truly brings tears to my eyes, he looks so fragile I would want to hug him... maybe I am extra sensitive these days.
Glad you got your gmail back :)
Hi! Just getting around to visiting all my blog friends again. I hope you and Mr Kenju are doing well.
Yes, it does indeed speak volumes. A picture can paint a thousand words and that is certainly what this one says.
Some of these old photos tell one more about America than any book can. I love them.
Any problem with computers you just never give up. Dogged is the name of the game.
I love to see pictures of people like that - or even better the people themselves. The salt of the earth.
thanks for sharing the photo and caption. Salt of the earth kind of guy
A fantastic photo and an incredible sociological document. Thanks for posting this
Sounds like my wife... just keep clicking until SOMETHING happens!
What a picture.
The lines in his face, the vacant eyes, the gnarled hands all tell his story . He had a life of hard work and sacrifice. Sadness,too.
Depressions,wars and loss of loved ones will do that to you.
I agree with Tom Brokaw when he called folks like this farmer the "Greatest Generation".
That picture reminds me of my Uncle Huron. Yes, HURON. We have some dilly-of-a-name names in my birth family. He did wear the bib overalls and hat. They were all skin and bones. (What the heck happened to me in that regard?????)
My grandpa looked like this. He was so kind, but he had a heavy Swedish accent and I was scared of him when I was little. He sold fruit from his orchard in bushel baskets to passers-by, too. I wish I had a picture of him that depicted that aspect of his life. This is great.
I tried to say this:
"Gmail has treated me well for over a year. I hope it does well for you also."
When I hit "Publish" something else appeared! Weird!
I absolutely adore this picture and the message. Great blog post. Wedding flowers pretty too.
Outstanding photo, Judy. Shades of Norman Rockwell.
The flowers below are exceptional.
I bet you sleep well at night, don't you?
This hardscrabble worker is a great contrast to your beautiful, flowery posts, Judy! I love them all!
He could definitely be thinking that... or possibly... "Mmm. Good Moonshine."
that photo is amazing, it completely touches my heart.
Welcome back to email!
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the things you say and do.
You deserve an award for it. In fact, I think that I'll nominate you for one.
That could be a picture of my grandpa. The only thing missing is his filterless camel cigarette. Great photo!
Love that pic - it reminds me of the guys who come to our town selling fruit. It used to be such a treat to go with my grandma to barter with them.
Hmmm I could certainly do with that in my study:)
I LOVE this post and LOVE the caption.
I'm sure you've seen the photo of the two little boys wearing overalls and one says to the other, "You been farming long?"
That classic is one of my favs!!
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