"One of these things is not like the other."
(With apologies to Sesame Street!)
We've been having some deck boards replaced, little by little. We'd love to have the whole deck torn out and re-done, but that is cost prohibitive, especially now that hospital bills are coming in at an alarming rate! We had two small decks close to the house when we moved here in 1982, and the first full summer, we had a 1500 sq. ft. deck built around the pool, along with a retaining wall. I think I wrote about it earlier this year. The 25 years since then have not been especially kind to the wood, although it lasted longer than we thought it might.
I meant to tell you this on Tuesday. Anna, of Anna's Photo of the Day is off-line due to computer or hook-up problems. Her mom said she hopes to be back posting very soon. I know many of you who read my posts also check Anna's, so I am doing my good deed for the day by reporting to you. Anna's mom brought me the BEST Friendship bread/cake last Monday, when mr. kenju came home from the hospital. We cut into the second loaf today at noon, Alice, and it is excellent! Mr. kenju is having trouble remembering that he is supposed to be cutting back on the sweets! Thanks again.
And finally, the quote:
To use bitter words, when kind words are at hand is like picking unripe fruit when the ripe fruit is there.
Thiruvalluvar, poet (c. 1st centuryBCE or 6th century CE)
Have a good weekend, everyone!
What is friendship bread/cake? I bet it's delicious. Things like that are always so much better when someone else makes them for you. :)
I know what you mean about decks being expensive. I think you are going about it the right way...little by little.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you!
Moogie, I am not sure about the friendship bread, but it reminds me of my grandmother's spice cake or applesauce cake, and it has a cinnamon-sugar topping that caps it off just right. She said you have a "starter" that you make it with, and you can only make it every 10 days, I think. I really could eat the whole loaf by myself!
Hi, Judy, thanks for the update about Anna. I figured she was just very busy and didn't have time to post.
i read your post about Day One earlier this morning. I know a little bit about that after April 30, 2002.
Thinking about you know brings to mind a verse of Scripture, "As thy days, so shall thy strength be."
Take care.
Hope you're getting back to "normal", whatever that is, with your husband home. I laughed when I saw your picture of the deck. My 20+ year old deck is doing the same thing and, luckily, my middle son has a small renovating business.
Thanks for commenting on my friend Bud's blog (Paradise is Pinehurst). His last post was a riot!
Hello, Michele sent me. First of all, I am happy to hear that Mr. Kenju is home from the hospital! That is very good news.
That sounds like the Amish Friendship cake...and it is so good!!
Have a great week-end!!!
Hi Kenju- that's odd about my comments - try again if you like- I was in there changing things so it may have been in process when you tried to comment. The cat used a hole in my 11 year old daughter's upstairs bedroom closet- I thought it only allowed access to the walls but I guess it lets them get down into the ceiling & beneath the upstairs floor!
Hello, Michele sent me.
Glad to see that your husband is recovering at home.
Glad to see that you are getting the deck replaced little by little. I can understand the expenses, especially with the medical bills coming in.
Take care. BTW, the friendship cake sounds delicious. :)
I'm hoping you and Mr Kenju have the most relaxing weekend possible under the circumstances. And enjoy that bread!
Here from Michele's!
Glad to hear Mr. Kenju is home from the hospital. :)
I love your quote at the end of your post. I hope that pops into my head the next time I almost say something that's not appropriate.
What a great quote that is Judy...I must try to remember to REMEMBER that! (lol)
How wonderful to have been brought a "friendship bread/cake"...Yum Yum Yum!
Hoping you've got everything under control Judy and that you are getting a little R&R, too!
I am very glad to be here today from Michele. I needed to to be reminded of that quote. Thiruvalluvar was one of the greatest Tamilian poets with words of wisdom which have that eternal sense. I can't read Tamil. I read his translated work. He was the master of couplet.
Glad to know that Mr Kenju is getting better and better.
Mmmm....I Love friendship bread! I got some not too long ago and shipped the batter to some online friends. Hope Mr. Kenju is feeling better.
Ps thanks for stopping by...yes that was a chain saw...lol. He got a tool kit also with a hand saw, screwdrivers etc. Michele sent me
Hello! I'm here from Michele's today. I know exactly how you feel about hospital bills! I have so many health problems, I am constantly paying one doc or another.
I haven't had friendship bread in forever but I love it.
I wonder if it weathers that lovely silver colour. (The deck) Time will tell. I hope Mr Kenju is better behaved than MTL with regard to cakes, short bread, biscuits and lots of other no-no's. That's why he's so happy to do the shopping - he knows I wouldn't buy them.
Maybe you should ask all your b**g buddies to send you a 2x4 of whatever wood variety you're using. Wouldn't cost us that much, and you'd get a bunch of stuff for replacement.
Is it too strange that I see a face in that board?
Excellent quote... really makes me think.
New post up. :)
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