Tuesday, September 18

Oh, It's a Good Day for.....

The new hand-held shower is fabulous! We managed to get mr. kenju's shower done today in half the time. Vicki recommended a curved shower curtain rod and I thought that it would protrude too far from the tub, but the handi-dandy installer said that it wouldn't be a problem - so we will have one like that soon.

That very same handi-dandy friend and installer picked up mr. kenju this morning and took him to therapy so I wouldn't have to, then picked him up, fed him lunch and brought him back home! What a blessing it was to have 3 hours to myself. I used them to get supplies ready for the weekend wedding and even had time to sweep the front porch and steps, which hadn't been done in over a month!

We had company today; Tiff and her friend came for several hours, which passed all too quickly due to our interesting and varied conversations. When I am with people I like, I never want it to end. Are you like that too?
After Tiff and her friend left, my neighbor invited me over for a glass of wine. We sat out in her gazebo, surrounded by lush greenery and gentle breezes for an hour. It was a nice ending to a pretty good day.


Anonymous said...

Judy, you have some fabulous friends. I'm glad things are moving along well for Mr. Kenju

ProducerClaire said...

I've been absent from my reading for a while, so I'm glad to hear things are progressing so well.

Oh, and I *heart* curved shower rods! They're amazingly awesome!

Constance said...

It DOES sound like a good day ! Happy for you and Mr. Kenju !
Hope that this weekend's wedding is beautiful and all goes smoothly --
Loving Annie

Beverly said...

I'm so glad you got a break in your day. I would like one of those curved rods too. I love them in hotels.

MaR said...

It sounds like a good day indeed!! And like good friends and neighbors.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

So happy that you had some time to yourself, dear Judy...MyMy My, that is important...And needed!

The shower thingy sounds quite fabulous...And what a good idea, too!

Lovely thar you had some great friends give you a break today, and another one, a lovely visit!

Jugs to you, dear Judy, and to Mr. Kenju, too!

Eddie said...

Good for your progress!
I enjoy being with people like you mention - where each sentence inspires the next sentence in an enthusiastic manner.

Kristi said...

So glad to read about your good day. It IS so nice to have good friends, isn't it?

Star said...

Sounds nice. Hope you have more days like that.

AC said...

Its so good that you can enjoy good friends and have access to a gazebo. I'll echo others and vote for the curved rod. There was one in the hotel in Cincinnati and it made an unusually big difference.

Thinking of you!

Pat said...

That's good to hear Judy.

utenzi said...

That sounds great, Judy. It's good that you're able to socialize and take care of your husband at the same time.

LZ Blogger said...

Kenju ~ Everytime I see (and try) one of those curved shower curtains rods in a hotel room, I say to myself, we NEED one of those in our guest bathroom. But that's as far as it ever goes. ~ jb///

tiff said...

We had a great time - thanks for hosting a visit with you and the ver-entertaining Mr Kenju. Much fun.

Curved shower rods are wonderful. Makes SUCh a huge difference.

It's great that you have friends that pitch in so readily. Truly, they are a gift!!

Shephard said...

That sounds like a wonderful day. :) I hope to have a place to sit out and enjoy the breezes soon.

rennratt said...


I'm glad that you are starting to get some down time!

Unknown said...

Judy, you are learning to adjust to your new life. It has to be so hard for both of you.

My sis Betty lost her husband in May after nearly 10 years of caregiving--intense the last two years of his illness. As you well know, as if you had time, there are incredible support groups for caregivers. Everybody feels so bad for the sick person and forgets that the caregivers life has dramatically changed, too.

You mentioned all those things that you had to do for the house, cars, etc. 'cause it sounds like Mr. Kenju really pulled his weight--and hopefully will again. When I separated in 1984, I was shocked how much Ray had done that I never even acknowledged to him. We so took each other for granted, as long term partneers tend to do.

Every time I do yard work, pull out the barrels, strip wax, get my car serviced, I think of Ray.

Thinking of you. I'm going to mention your blog to Carolyn who caretakes her husband who is a paraplegic. She works in a garden on top of it all and I don't know how she--or you does it. Carolyn is at Tumbleweeds and Thyme. http://www.tumbleweedsandthyme.typepad.com/