(Heh, heh....I know she can't see me. I'll just hide here until she walks past and then I'll pounce on her!) I honestly believe that Eclipse (Clipsie) thinks she is hidden when she does this....LOL

This is the way Storm usually lies beside me when I am on the computer, but I have seldom seen the two of them side by side like this. Ordinarily, they wouldn't be caught dead this close together, even though they are sisters and litter-mates. I love to see cats curl up together or side by side - but not these two! Whenever they get within 3 feet of each other, the hissing and spitting starts. I'd really like to know what made them get so close that day!
Hello, Michele sent me. Your cats are beautiful. Killian lays like that right next to my chair when I'm on the computer! Isn't that funny!
If only we could translate the language in cat's heads. Actually I think you're pretty accurate on your interpretations. Have you read The Abandoned by Paul Galico? Such a great cat story.
Just too cute! Black cats are terribly difficult to photograph.
I love your cats. Yes, they do look like Tucker. Sarah has adopted another cat, Mason. He's a medium-haired tuxie, quite handsome.
Tucker is doing o.k. even though his tumor continues to grow. She's trying some natural products with him that a vet recommended.
Oh, look at the beebies!!! I love beebies! I'm glad you and Mr. Kenju are settling into a nice, healthy routine, however, I'm sorry I do not have any fast, low fat, low sodium meals laying around, unless you count oatmeal. Oatmeal is easy and it rocks!
Jack and Hermione both like to lay on top of my speaker which is on top of my desk, Mae Mae is too fat.
even cats need a cease fire once in a while.
How cute! just like little kids :)
Your cats are beautiful!
Michele sent me today to tell you that even though I'm a Dog Person, I think your cats are adorable.
My dogs fight with each other all day, then curl up together at night.
Animals are just weird :)
Hi Judy, Michele sent me today :-))
Clipsie reminds me of Charlie, he sits on the window sill with his huge fluffy tail hanging down from under the curtain.
If we call him, he pokes his nose out from under the curtain and peers at us...
Most comical! :-)
What pretty kitties!!!
*snort* You need to feed those poor things..they're wasting away to nothing!
A show of solidarity... or a lonely carpet?
~S :)
Trying to get into the mind of a cat is an impossible task! Cute pictures.
Also, thanks for commenting on my friend Bud's blog. You could very easily run into him in Pinehurst some day.
lovely flowers and I love the cat sadly Fire is allergic :(
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