Friday, June 10

More Odds & Ends

A third trip to the veterinarian yesterday revealed that Eclipse has pseudomonas bacteria in her ear. So now we have yet another expensive medication to be placed into her ear once each day. At least this med doesn't have to be refrigerated. Can you imagine how much a cat might hate ear drops that, in addition to being scary and annoying, are also frigidly cold?! The previous medication was not doing the trick against pseudomonas, obviously, and the two antibacterial shots she was given only served to pause the infection, not cure it. 

When I asked how my cat could have possibly caught that infection since she has not been around any other animals and doesn't go outside, he said that bacterium lives everywhere on any surface, so it would be impossible to determine. I'm thinking that she might have had it on her foot and scratched her head near her ear. The poor baby has really shown the signs of an ear infection in the last few days; whenever she jumped down off my lap, she staggered. She was so nonplussed by it that she stood still afterward, as if in a daze.

The vet was nice enough to remove the evidence of the drainage (matted hair) and clean out her ear as much as possible. I was amazed at how docilely she sat there for him. I guess she was too scared to move - because for me - she would have scratched, kicked, howled and managed to jump off the table.We are hoping that this last medication will cure the problem in short order!


Evil Twin's Wife said...

I hope she feels better soon! Is there any way you could set the med out about 20 minutes prior to administration, so it's not AS cold? Also, remember to burrito wrap her in a towel and hold her still as possible.... Good luck! Medicating cats is quite an adventure!!

Gilly said...

Oh I do sympathise with you - and Eclipse! Ear infections are so nasty. Our cocker spaniel seems to be back and forth to the Vet with bad ears, however clean I keep them. And the expense! But hopefully we might have got shot of it for this summer, anyway.

Hope Eclipse gets better very soon.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Poor dear....! I am very familiar with Pseudomonus--it is a beastly imfection which is very difficult to get rid of in people---I hope that medicine works for your cat. I had to have 14 days of a very very STRONG antibiotic By Infusion---A real pain, let me tell you....And it hung on in my for dear life! Give her a BIG Hug for me, please Judy

Arkansas Patti said...

Goodness, I hope it is not something you can pick up from her. Sure hope this works for her.
Medicating a cat is my worst fear. I really hate pain.

LL Cool Joe said...

Poor cat. I remember taking our 2 to the vets and I used to have wrap a towel around them tightly to stop them scratching and fighting, and almost pin them to the table just to keep them there. That's burmese cats for you.

Sparkling Red said...

Oh my goodness! I hope those ear drops work, stat! On the bright side, it's a lot easier to give a cat ear drops than eye drops or pills. :-)

rennratt said...

Poor baby. It stinks to have those as a human, never mind as an animal!

Looking to the Stars said...

I hope the new med clears it up. My heart goes out to your kitty, I hate it when my boys are sick.

srp said...

Poor baby! Dad has to give Maggie a pill every day. Fortunately, she likes those soft pill-pockets by Greenies and so he can wrap the pill and set it down and she eats it. Hope she gets better soon... she is probably dizzy with the world spinning.

Granny Annie said...

Eclipse has all my sympathy as I am afflicted with ear pain as well.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Ah, poor baby, your baby. Hope she is feeling better and that you aren't totally maxed out in your checking account.