Sunday, April 11

Wisteria and Weddings ~ 4-10-10

The tossing bouquet and cake topper - awaiting the cake.

The bride's bouquet made by Mel.

As I told you, the wisteria is abundant this spring. I was able to get these photos because it was growing along the side of the church parking lot where I delivered flowers for Mel's wedding on Saturday. Wisteria grows wild here, and our roadsides are full of it now; hanging from trees and whatever it can find for support.

One of Mel's weddings was in Raleigh and the other one was in Durham. We usually deliver wedding flowers together, but since there was a scheduling conflict with these two, he sent me to Durham by myself. I am almost useless in Durham (it is hard to find your way around there) but thanks to Mel's good directions, I had no trouble at all.


Kay Dennison said...

Wow!!!! I wish my long ago wedding flowers had been as lovely as these!!!!! You and Mel are truly gifted artists, Sis!!!!

Gilly said...

You have WILD wisteria!! How wonderful! You sound as though you live in the tropics!

And those arrangements are just gorgeous! But it does amaze me how lavish some weddings can be. Though maybe I am just old-fashioned and haven't been to any weddings for years. Well not like those. My daughter's second wedding was beautiful, really beautiful, but she and her friends did all the flowers themselves.

Pat said...

Wild wisteris and deer in the garden - if it weren't for the pesky pollen I'd emigrate:)

Nancy said...


You shouldn't say you are almost useless in Durham...That couldn't be.

You are certainly not useless anywhere!

You are one of the most accomplished people I know...

Rick Rockhill said...

oh my those are stunning! I love wisteria! you do beautiful work!

Olga said...

The wedding arrangements are so elegant. I admire your talent. Does wisteria (which doesn't grow in VT) have a fragrance? It's pretty.

srp said...

Those mauve roses are gorgeous.... I have a rose bush with blooms this shade..... called Blue Moon.
I now have 16 roses planted in the new rose garden in the back. Along with the four bushes I already planted (now in third year), I put in two extra out front.

Greta said...

I don't tell you enough how much I enjoy your blog and photos. So...I enough them this much!!!!!!!

Grannymar said...

Nice colour. We had some sunshine today. Hoping for more tomorrow.

5 Kids With Disabilities said...

What absolutely BEAUTIFUL flowers!!!! You have a great talent to put together such pretty arrangements.
Lindsey Petersen

Greta said...

That was supposed to be "enjoy", not enough! Senior moment.

Tracie Nall said...

Beautiful flowers!! I had Wisteria at my wedding too!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I LOVE Wysteria, Judy.....So very Beautiful. When Betty & Larry first moved into their house where Betty still is---(1962) Larry Built an Arbor of sorts and planted Wysteria so that it would grow all over the Wooden part...It is just GORGEOUS!
I LOVE that it grows wild in your neck of the woods....

BEAUTIFUL Wedding Flowers, my dear.....!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I have NEVER spelled Wisteria!