Baby Moose - 12 Hours Old -
Naubinway, Michigan.
Success is:
At age 3.....not crapping in your pants.
At age 12.....having friends.
At age 18....having a driver's license.
At age 20.....having sex.
At age 35....having money.
At age 50.....having money.
At age 60....having sex.
At age 70.....having a driver's license.
At age 80.....not crapping in your pants.
(There's more truth to that than most are willing to admit.)
One last thing: today is the third anniversary of Imagine (What I'm Leaving Out). I've thanked all of you numerous times and today I'm doing it again. You make me a happier person. So, keep coming back, okay? My life is in your hands - don't screw it up!
Those are wonderful p[hotos! hough I have to say I think Baby moose are a lot prettier than big moose! (I do hope the plural of moose is moose, like sheep!)
And I've still got a driver's licence!!
The circle of life is true Judy especially the first and last ones... the closer I get to 80 the more I believe it.
Happy Anni!
But you have actually been blogging longer than that haven't you?
Can't wait to be 80 next month:)
BTW one of the things I really appreciate about you is your regular visits. Some bloggers don't seem to grasp that it ideally is a two way deal.
Wow - what a sweet baby and Mom is so OK with being downtown.
Happy Anniversary Judy. Guess I have been here all three years for I remember when you quit being "Just Judy." Time sure flies doesn't it.
Somehow I missed those "having money" years. Oh well, I did have fun and suppose that counts.
Happy Anniversary to you and your blog.
because everyday is a party here and I also wantto mark the day! Keep on blogging, we need you!
The plural of moose is miice... oh, wait...
Happy 3rd blog day.... of course your first blog went even further back... it makes me pause to wonder... what was the very first blog....and why did they call them "blogs". Hmm. Have a great day and successful Valentine season.
Congratulations on your third Blogiversary! I wonder if I can keep blogging for 3 years. I sometimes feel like I am already running on empty.
I think the town should adopt the new Moose baby as it's mascot.
Have run into a baby moose on the trail...with momma close on my heels as I ran away...but not a newborn. Judy, not a day goes by that I don't learn something, laugh at something, see a beautiful floral arrangement....something that warms my heart when I read your blog. Thank you for your blog and friendship.
Happy Anniversary!
I love that list in the middle. :D
Please dont' make me responsible for you life...
Happy third!
Love those moose pics. Aren't they the cutest creatures?
Oh yes that circle of life sums it up quite well.
I'm sitting here with my alleged mind wondering what the sound of a moose in labor sounds like!
I do love the photos. I'm guessing Naubinway is on the Upper Peninsula where such occurences are quite common or so they tell me.
The circle of life is right on!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary!!!!!!
YOU are putting YOUR life in MY hands? I hope you realize what a dangerous thing you've done. :)
Judy, Happy Anniversay - guess I have only been reading you - for about a year. You make me smile.
Keep it up. Thank you for your comments to One Woman.
I love the baby moose...is it a meese? Congratulations on your blog and I do remember your original one. Good going !!
Happy Blogiversary on this site. This one and your other site (of course I remember it) make 5 years.
I had my 5th back on Jan 20.
May we both continue and enjoy the good work for a long time more.
hmmm ... word verif: "macro"
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