No matter how far our exams are dumbed
down, it seems it's not far enough for today's
pupils. But rather than admit defeat in the
face of tricky questions, some decide to take
a more creative approach to their answers.
After scouring exam papers and speaking to
teachers, humorist Richard Benson has
collected the worst student howlers in a
new book. You won't know whether to laugh –
or cry!!

Remember: they walk among us - and they breed.
Indeed -- and worse, they breed far too young because they think they know everything!!!!
I have a lot of sympathy for that last one!!
But optherwise, well, you do wonder what they have been doing all their school days!
I actually think these answers are pretty clever. These kids sound like writers to me.
These are exactly the kind of answers I would give! B^9
I have to say - some of those I have great sympathy with:)
Really enjoyed these, Judy.
At least they are creative! LOL
Sadly, I see some perfect logic in those priceless answers, the first one is classic :) Good thing I didn't breed huh?
So these are the folks that come up with those statistics.
I love the little lie one!
So you've found some of my 15 year-olds test papers then? ;)
Ugh! and hilarious at the same time!
HA, HA .... except for the Romeo one...that is spot on !!
This was a good laugh and at the same time I was thinking "are they really that stupid?"
I like Travlin' Oma's comment, a very postive outlook.
Funny but so sad!
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