I know, I know; you saw these two photos yesterday. Indulge me, if you will. Mr. kenju came up with this costume all by himself, and it didn't cost a penny (except for the new pennant). I thought he looked good. The only problem was that no one else at the party was old enough to have any clue who "Joe College" was! LOL

Being determined to come up with something to wear without spending any money, I decided to go as "Mr. kenju", so I donned his denim shirt with the pipe club logo, wore his newsboy hat, carried his cane and held his pipe in my mouth (for about 3 seconds) Whew! Yuck! Ack! I don't know how that thing could taste any worse! I also took an old work name badge and covered it with a "mr. kenju" (not many people there knew who that was!) I should mention the travel pillow I taped around my belly before I donned the shirt; lest you think I've gained more weight than I have....LOL) I tried going without lipstick, but I just couldn't. I had a line ready had anyone asked me if Mr. kenju really did wear lipstick.....I was going to say "only on Saturday nights!", but no one asked.

We had a version of Dorothy at the party too, and a lovely one she was. She wore really great ruby slippers! I tried to get a good photo of the cheerleaders (on the right) that showed up. It's not often you see them with facial hair....LOL....but that photo was blurry.

Our hosts on the left, Tiff and Biff Spiffy, dressed as characters from The Princess Bride, with a Marine and his wife, the witch. The Marine came to the party in a great chicken suit, but since the temperature was still hovering in the mid- 70's, he got unbearably hot and went home to put on his uniform. Worked for me!
(and Biff? It's been entirely too long since you posted!!)
(and Biff? It's been entirely too long since you posted!!)

That's MOJO; local photographer (and hippie for one night) extraordinaire! You can find him here. Unlike Biff, Mojo posts everyday!

The shower curtain (and the bath mat below) also got decorated for the holiday. I was told to go and look at the bathroom, but when I did, I didn't close the door. Later I went back and on closing the door, I saw a "scream" mask with black draping on the wall. It would have given me quite a fright had I not been forewarned.

There was so much food that I suspect the Spiffy family will be dining off the leftovers for a week or more! Below, you see just one example. I took Buffalo Chicken Dip, but I think it was too spicy/hot for most people. I love it to death! Next time, I'll make it with a sauce that isn't quite so fiery.

Ummmmm, Brownies!!
So, did you go to a costume party? What did you wear?
Awwwwwww I think you and Mr. K. looked great!!!! I didn't go to any parties -- but I usually go as a witch -- LOL it's type-casting!
Well you know every day is a costume party to me!! :D
We went out to a dinner party saturday night, but it wasn't a halloween one. It ws a good evening.
I'm glad you had so much fun! You all look great!
Spent the evening here all alone...I am really getting old. Did not miss any of the festivities either. I used to love dressing up.
You need to find slightly older friends, I think Joe College was a great idea.
Loved your outfit also. Old, used pipes do taste awful don't they?
Looks like a fun party.
Did nothing and went nowhere here. I am such a dud.
Great photos--looks like a wonderful party
I decorated a headband with fall leaves and left one hanging down in front of my face which I would blow on it. I was a leaf blower.
Well at least somebody else had a followup post for the Grand Festival that was Tiff-o-we'en II! I've been lurking around Tiff's (nothing since Saturday) Renn's (nothing for 2 weeks) and Biff's (nothing since August) waiting to see if there'd be any coverage on the stuff that happened whilst we were out foraging for photos.
And I knew that was a pillow under your shirt.
I knew it! I was going to ask first time round if it was a pillow.
Great costumes all round. Elly would love those bathroom decorations.
Me? I donned my pjs and went to bed.
Great photos! What I wouldn't give to have a real Halloween party to go to. You know, one for adults.
No costume parties or any sign of Halloween at our place. Sure looks like you all had a great time there. Wonderful costumes!
No parties here, unless you count our own personal anniversary party of dinner out! :-)
Really cute! No party, just a few trick or treaters.... but Daisy helped me pass out candy, offering her paw to everyone and bravely consenting to spend three hours in her costume.... yes, she still fits in her "watch"... my not so little "watchdog".
LOVE the pics! Glad you had a great time
No parties here, all our friends have moved away. We have had so many forclosures in our area that no kids showed up at the door.
We watched the movie Ice Age 3, no scary stuff for us :)
I'm with Grannymar. I put on my nightgown and hit the sack. No witches, ballerinas or ghosts showed up at my door so I watched PBS. No Halloween there either.
Someone is very clever with the icing on the brownies. Glad you got a picture before the knife cut into them.
That looks like such a great party and you and Mr K look great. I hope you had a good Halloween.
No halloween parties for me. Bob and I gave out our candy to the neighborhood kids and then it was off to bed for me.
Happy Birthday - belated, but most sincere. I hope the year brings you everthing you desire.
Looks like GREAT Fun, Judy...! I LOVE that you came as Mr. Kenju...lol!
BTW: I mailed something to you om Saturday.....Hope it gets there safe and sound.
I had my Halloween Ladies Who Lunch...and Part 1 is up!
Your costume idea? GENIUS!
I'm sorry I couldn't make it. :(
I'm glad you had fun - it all looked great. Relieved that wasn't your tummy:)
You guys have too much fun!
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