This story came to me from a friend on Facebook, whom many of you know as a faithful commenter on our blogs - Nancy Leitz. This is almost verbatim from her email. Enjoy!
My daughter Carol, lives in
When Ian decided to propose to Anne he went into the flower shop alone and told them what he wanted to do and they were happy to help him. They made an arrangement of Anne's favorite flowers and put it in their window. When Ian and Anne were coming home from work Anne stopped, as usual, to admire the flowers and when she saw the one they made she couldn't get over it. She said, "They are my favorite flowers." Ian said, "Well, let's stop in and see them."
When they went in the owner took the flowers out of the window and gave them to Anne and Ian got down on his knee and proposed. The owners then brought out a bottle of champagne and flutes and they all celebrated the engagement. They had taken pictures of the entire event and posted them on their website Dilly Lily.com. Then Ian called me and told us all about it and to look on Facebook.
Ian and Anne met at
That is the story of the engagement.
Below: The happy couple! |

What a sweet romantic story, Judy! I just love the thoghtfulness of this man and how dear of the Flower Shop to join in!
I also love that she worked for Obama all those years, too!
A lovely heart warming story. May it go on and on. Thank you Judy.
Love this story! Makes me believe romance is still possible.
Thanks for sharing, Judy.
Thank you ,Judy, for the lovely presentation you have made to announce Ian and Anne's engagement to your readers.
I know they will be pleased,as I am.
We are all very happy for the young couple and look forward to their wedding.
Thanks again...
I Do love a Romantic story.
We can guess the flowers that will be in the bride's bouquet?
Aww, what a sweet guy. Even if you didn't like him you would have to say yes. You don't let those kind get away.
They sound like a great couple and what a priceless thing Mr. Obama gave her.
She was part of history.
He's a keeper!
He's definitely a keeper! I'm glad you shared this one, Judy. It's my feel-good story of the day!!
That is such a lovely story and what makes it even better is that it is a love story. Romance is not dead.
A very sweet and romantic story. I wish them years and years of ongoing happiness.
Thats doin' it in style Judy, what a romantic idea.... and from a man too!!!
I just bet she treasures that photo of the President.
What a lovely romantic story! Thanks for sharing!
Nancy sent this to me and the accompanying photos said it all.
What a lovely and romantic proposal. He got down on his knees, too. Chivalry is not dead, nor is true love.
what a great story.....all because of flowers.....he is quite the creative man.
I am 'Doing a Nancy' right now, the tissues are a soggy mess! What a romantic story and yes Nancy did let me know about it by email.
I Ian and Anne many years of happiness and hope Nancy and family have a wonderful time at the wedding.
Judy ~ What a VERY sweet story! ~ jb///
What a love story.
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