Here is a leftover photo from Ecuador. I am wondering if those are snow-covered volcanoes in the distance.
There will be no Homeland Security until we realize that the entire planet is our homeland. Every sentient being in the world must feel secure.
John Perkins, economist and author (b.1945)
I have a piece of advice for all would-be bloggers:
When you choose the name for your blog and your user name, make certain that they are easy to type, just in case your computer decides you have to type them, plus your email address, into every darn site you visit!! I don't know what has happened, but recently, my computer will not remember my email, user name or URL. It's infuriating to have to type it repeatedly every time I try to read blogs. I didn't change any settings and I don't know how it does that when I didn't ask it to. Every time the computer updates automatically, something like this happens. What a pain! Do you know how I can correct it?
Oh that would drive me nuts!
I have to put in my name and address the first time I visit someone when I come on...but after that, I don't have to do it.....
There are some blogs where I have to do it every time and it has something to do with THEIR Settings....but those are few and far between--Thank The Lord...lol!
I don't know how to fix that, my dear.
Me neither. I know, some want your name, email address AND blog address. Pretty sure it is in their settings. Maybe they were getting too much crank stuff.
Totally love the quote.
Hi Judy! Love your photo here.
I think the problem you mention has to do with lost cookies. It didn't happen to me but it has happened to several friends of mine. They lost alllll their cookies (what to do with all that leftover milk)
It has to do with a new(ish) virus that went around in some joke email I think. That's why I hardly ever ever open the forwards anymore at all. Not worth it.
Love to you and yours ... will send an email real soon ...
I heard that Ecuador is such a nice country to visit since I have a friend who is from there.
I think the history cache in your browse was accidentally erased. I have my fair share of that kind of problem. Really hate it when I have to retype everything.
Mine has been doing the same thing recently. Some sites, the info is already there, others I have to re-type every time. Frustrating!
Maybe it's the famed Cotopaxi. Years ago, as a young freelance travel writer on the road alone, I took a train up through Ecuador's Avenue of Volcanoes.
From Guayaquil to Riobamba. I'll never forget coming into a sandstorm on a high plateau and one of the trainmen coming through the car with scarves wound over his nose and mouth, looking like Lawrence of Arabia.
OK....that does not sound like fun....if you need help turning your computer on and off, i can help you there....I am proficient at that.....and that only.
I use Foxfire and it asks if I want it to remember the names. Sometimes it fails, though. I also have a registry scan that is supposed to correct errors when they happen. It often makes more errors than it corrects. Go figure!
If you want I will change the name of my blog to ABC.
Would that help? I don't want to miss your comments.
Computers sometime have a life of their own...
Judy, try double clicking on the name, URL and email boxes your info might appear below and all you need to do is click on it. It works for me.
In the URL type the h (for http://) and usually the URL appears and you click on it.
I have the same problem - with the same reaction. I even have to keep signing in to my dashboard. GRRRRRRR!
Great shot, and I think it is Cotapaxi. We drove the dirt road up that way. My brother worked on that mountain as part of Project Vanguard -- the forerunner of NASA. The Project included similar stations scattered about the world so they could track our nations (and any others, probably)unmanned space shots.
We also drove down to an area where I was able to stand with one foot on each side of the hemisphere.
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