Not so much. Ivy and moss seem to be the only things I can grow around here, other than weeds. The ivy is prolific and in this photo, you see it blooming again. This stand of ivy is more than two decades old, and it didn't bloom until about 4 years ago. The first time I saw it, I was flabbergasted; never knowing that it ever bloomed like this. I thought it had something wrong with it.....LOL

The impatiens in this photo are volunteers. About 12 years ago, I had an impatiens plant that got leggy and died (or so I thought). I tossed it over the deck fence into the small patch of ground between the steps and the house. They have bloomed every year since, but they don't usually bloom until August and they never get very tall before the first frost kills them back. You can see that the moss is alive and well, and some small ferns are peeking out from under the steps. That's about the extent of my gardening nowadays, with the exception of five potted plants and some irises in the front yard.
We shouldn't take the anything for granted. Read this to see why.
We shouldn't take the anything for granted. Read this to see why.
Interesting about your impatiens. I had planted some a few years ago but some other plants crowded them out. I was so disappointed. Maybe in a few years they'll surprise me and re-emerge.
My planting is so backlogged, I forgot what I wanted to plant. Last thing I planted were Lillie's and Daffodils around the mail box and that was at least ten years ago. Help!!!
Impatiens, which we call Busy Lizzies here, are strictly bedding plants for the summer. Mine were not terribly good last year, too much rain and they grey leggy and sad. So had begonias this year.
Moss grows abundently, but on our lawns! And ferns are nice here, in shady, damp spots. But I love the way your fern peeks out from the steps! There's something about ferns and stone......
Of course, you're a gardener. You can sit on the top step with a cup of coffee and enjoy your "work." Great photo!
Thanks for alerting us to the blog on Citizen of the Month. I enjoyed it.
You will never be a gardener like me! I specialise in Prize worthy weeds!
You are my kind of gardener. Volunteers work harder and for free. What is not to love?
Totally loved that link. That man can write and I have put him on my blog roll. I am not one who takes the internet for granted. It blows me away.
I can empathize. It is hard growing plants in the deep woods. Your climate is more forgiving in winter, though, if your impatiens come back.
Low-maintenance yards are awesome. More time for blogging! :)
Keep careful control of that Ivy, it can and will damage your home and your trees!
Only you could throw something away and end up with a pretty pink flower.
I love moss and ferns - they abound on our west side and ivy is everywhere.
ditto with my "gardening." Thanks for the blog link....
I'm still laughing. I have a black thumb, and after I have killed a hanging plant - and thrown it over the porch - they thrive nicely - with no help from me. I think it is a conspiracy, also quite funny.
"Gardener" is all a matter of degree. At least you don't have a "black thumb" ;)
Those impatiens certainly had a will to survive, didn't they?
At least your ivy doesn't have those nice little berries and leaves of three... :)
Volunteers are my favorites. The easier the better.
I saw your comment on a friend's blog -- thought I'd stop by and check out your blog.
It's wonderful -- I'll be following.
A new friend,
I had no idea ivy could bloom, Kenju. This is miraculous.
You do very very well, Judy...! You actually have a lot growing there. I love that the impatiens just grew all by itself without you doing a thing....lol!
I love Neal....He is such a talented interesting writer, isn't he? I remember that Worlds Fair of 1939....it was very close to where I grew up so we went quite a lot! That is a very interesting post about The Internet....Thanks, my dear.
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