More from my daughter's trip to Ecuador - mostly of Quito in this batch. I have no idea what we're looking at, so I'll just offer them for your viewing pleasure.

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The statement that television is a "Vast Wasteland" was never truer at any other time of year than in the month of August. Here are some excerpts from Newton Minow's speech. What are you watching this month?
Fantastic views! I have never visited Ecuador, so it is very nice to have a virtual sight-seeing!
I found out I cannot comment in one particular blog (blogspot as well)... it spoils all the fun!
Have a wonderful day, kenju!
I have visited several third world counties but nothing south of Panama. The picture from Ecuador are beautiful as always. You daughter has your eye for subject and a good sense of perspective. The photos remind me of the Philippines with high rises doting amidst the urban sprawl. I have a good friend Tony how writes speeches for Congressman Brad Miller and wrote did a speech that he used that talked about true heroism. We have lost our sense of what real entertainment is and replaced it with infomercial garbage and reality trash. I have relegated myself to watching only the National Geographic and Discovery channels.
Really great pictures! That third one is marvelous!
The pictures your daughter took in Quito are beautiful.
Did she have any trouble breathing at over 9,000 ft? I have never been to South America and wonder how comfortable I would be at that altitude for more than a day.
I was once in Europe and we went up toward the Matterhorn and at 13,000 feet I was very uncomfortable and wanted to come down ASAP.
How did she make out? The altitude certainly didn't affect her ability to take lovely pictures.
Oh, you tease me so with Ecuador! I want to go to The Galapagos in the worst way! I want to drink South American coffee at its freshest. I want to hear the sounds of a real jungle. Thank you for that.
Nancy, she didn't mention the altitude, but I'll ask her if she noticed anything different. We were in Colorado years ago, and went up 13,000 ft on a drive. The place we were staying was at 9,000 feet, I think, and I noticed a definite shortness of breath. I was still smoking then, though.
Great photos took by your daughter! Much history on them...
Steep streets huh. Bet that is good for those all ready short of breath. Beautiful views. Thank your daughter for letting us travel along.
As for TV, for since April I have watched baseball, 6 nights a week. Huge Marlin fan. It is the only reality show I will watch. Little violence and the language is only bad if you can lip read. Crotch grabbing and spitting gets old but I do love the game.
Love the visual tour. If you could give me a tip or two...How do you put captions under your photos? I haven't figured out how to do that or how to have multiple font colors on a page. I'm a blogger doofus!
Great pictures! I've always wanted to go to South America...this is as close as I'll get for a while.
As for your TV question ... yikes...ever since the digital switch-over we only get three stations - and they're Canandian...so no ABC,NCB or CBS. I do miss Matt Lauer, maybe by this fall we'll break down and buy a dish.
I've heard wondrous things about Quito, but I doubt I'll ever get closer than your daughter's splendid photos. It would be interesting to have the sun rise and set at almost the same times every day.
The photos of Ecuador are quite beautiful. What fantastic views.
We don't have cable tv, so mostly we watch stuff streaming off the internet. We have netflix, so we do some instant watching of movies. It is a vast wasteland out there, so fortunately the internet gives us more choices.
BEAUTIFUL Pictures...! I love the angles of some of them...You get the feeling of the HUGENESS of things....What a fabulous trip your daughter took....A part of the world that is fascinating in so many ways.
I remember that Minow speech, believe it or not, and I so agree. In fact, it has gotten worse and worse in many ways. I think of the film "NETWORK", an Original Screenplay by the great Paddy Chyefsky...He predidted in this farce-of-sorts, EVERYTHING that has come to pass in Television. That film was released in 1976, I believe.....And here we are, actually "living" his predictions.
I have written a little bit about Television recently, as you know, and de-cried the so called "reality" shows.....
THIS is a true Wastelabd if there ever was one....! Between all the commercials and infomercials and these dreadful-bring-out-the-worst-in-people reality shows....All I can say is OY VEY! We are in deep deep trouble.
nice photos--but I can't believe your daughter not taking her mother! :)
What do you have against lurking?!
Enjoy seeing these pictures of Quito. I spent a couple weeks there in the '50's so interesting to see it now. It was my first encounter with a country that had two social classes -- the very rich and the very poor and not much of a middle class, if at all. But I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and travels around there. No problem with the altitude for me then, but expect there would be today.
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