It's about 33 years old now, and the blue is faded and dirtied by the dust of all those years, but it is among my most precious possessions, made by my younger daughter. For more Project Blue Posts, see Anna!
One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.
William Feather, author, editor and publisher (1889-1981)
The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change; for happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.
Charles Langbridge Morgan
It is not of so much consequence what you say, as how you say it. Memorable sentences are memorable on account of some single irradiating word.
Alexander Smith, poet (1830-1867)
There are strange ways of serving God;
You sweep a room or turn a sod,
And suddenly, to your surprise,
You hear the whirr of seraphim,
And find you're under God's own eyes
And building palaces for him.
Herman Hagedorn, poet, teacher (1882-1964)
I would not enter on my list of friends
(Though graced with polished manners and fine sense
Yet wanting sensibility) the man
Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.
William Cowper, poet (1731-1800)
I love that rainbow and I can understand its value, I have a napkin holder my 20 yo painted for Mother's Day when he was 4 or 5...priceless and beautiful rainbow!!
Loved the quotes, particularly the last one.
That is such a pretty rainbow and I can understand why it is so precious to you.
Wonderful quotes as ever. One made me smile becasue I always try to dodge the worms that come up in the rain :)
I have noticed that intelligence and happiness are rarely found in the same person also.
I guess those smart people know what is really going on.
Well, who cares as long as I can dance.
Wonderful rainbow!
The Charles Morgan quote is so very wise.
Another bunch of good quotes. One of them reminds me of a favorite of mine:
"Say what you mean, mean what you say ... and don't say it meanly".
The rainbow is wonderful, as are the quotes. I miss AWAD, from whence I suspect some of these came. Should sign up for it again, shoudln't I?
I love the rainbow. I've kept many of my children's art pieces too.
the most treasured art! it is beautiful.
the last quote made me smile - I'm always rescuing worms in my driveway and putting them back in the grass
What a precious piece you have saved it for so long... I have a folder with drawings my kids make the other day my son asked me to keep something of mine for him to have as an antique, I thought it was funny.
Judy ~ I loved many of these quotes! THX! ~ jb///
Oh neat homemade rainbow!!! I love that.
How sweet that you still have it intact after all these years.
Pretty and touching.
Wonderful paining and thoughtful posts.
I can see why that is such a treasure to you. What a wonderful project blue. I enjoyed your quotes too. Lovely post.
The worm could always be an old friend on their second life.
Yeah, but what about ants and spiders, huh? Yeah, I dont like them so much.
Interestimg and different quotes! I like all of them but I think my favorite is the last one.
How precious to have this lovely "original" by your daughter!....Precious, beyond words, I know.
"A sign of my promise."
That is truly a treasure, Judy.
Love the Morgan esp. Saved that one. :)
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