Click to embiggen. Do you like men in uniform? These guys are cute, I think, and I like that last line ....."Lest We Forget." It has resonance right now!

I like this ad; the man relaxing with his long, clay pipe (called churchwarden), his faithful dog, a light libation and the bee skeps off to the right. I wish my bees were contained like that, instead of hanging to the side of my house.

(Well, it DOES mention a tobacco product!) LOL. I received this in email today and I won't tell who sent it unless she gives the okay. I think it is funny!!
That IS funny, I have to admit!
And the old ads are very cool. Thanks for the smiles.
Bee skeps? I learned a new word then.
The 'close but no cigar' cracked me up. SOMEBODY had to do it, after all!
I love old tobacco ads. They almost make you want to smoke. Let's admit it, smoking always did make people look cooler and more sophisticated... despite killing them.
I love that last one so much I just copied it to Ed's email and he's sitting just across from me!! LOVE THAT TO DEATH!
Good job, again, Judy!
I love the old Churchwarden pipe the gentleman in the ad is smoking.
One of my favorite authors, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, had his wonderful character, Sherlock Holmes, smoke a Churchwarden pipe called a Calabash.
You always have such good "Stuff" on your site,Judy.
No wonder we all keep coming back, day after day......
Nancy, mr. kenju is a Holmes fan from way back, and he has a churchwarden or two in his pipe collection.
The old ads actually seem real, and refreshing.
In the top ad with the sailors, what are the tattoos of?
THese are quite wonderful Kudy...I love the neatness of the drawings...Everything clean---
clean lines...simple colors.....
I haven't seen ANY Bees so far this year and it is strange because I had so very many last year.....They came to ALL the flowers last year....Nothing this year, so far.
That last picture of Mr. & Mrs You-Know-Who...the difference in the color palette from those old ads...Quite amazing!
Ha, ha, ha - I didn't expect that last one!!
I wish your bees were away from your house, and you could kick back with a libation and smoke a ridiculously long pipe.
That last one is BAD! I'm still laughing.
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