Saturday, October 6

What Not to Wear...

If you're the photographer for a high-dollar wedding in Duke University Chapel, surrounded by wedding guests and family all dressed to the nines, in long formal dresses and tuxedos, don't come to photograph the wedding dressed in khaki cargo pants and a white blouse that is two sizes too small, so that everytime you bend over to get a shot, the people behind and beside you are treated to the sight of your underwear. I'm jes' sayin'.
When my business was going strong, and I had wedding flowers to do every weekend, there were two local photographers whom I recommended without reservation, mainly because they were excellent at their craft AND.....they wore tuxedos when they worked a wedding! They always had well-groomed hair, their teeth were brushed, their shoes were shined and you never saw a shirttail or anything offensive. That's the way everyone ought to present themselves for work! Several weeks ago, I had to deliver wedding flowers to a local restaurant. It was not a big wedding, but I needed help with delivery. My usual helper was out of town, so I asked someone who had been recommended to me by the local floral wholesalers. We spoke on the phone, and I did not say anything to her about how to dress for the delivery - thinking I wouldn't have to spell it out. I was wrong. She showed up in worn jeans, a ratty t-shirt with writing on it, and flip-flops that didn't match anything she had on. I was appalled. Needless to say, I will not hire her again. My mom always said you should dress for the job you want - not the job you have. At that time, I thought she was overstating it, but now I know better.


Beverly said...

Absolutely! Your mother wass right.

Catherine said...

It sounds as if she wasn't even dressing for the job she had - dressing rattily for a wedding is certainly not a good look. she'll probably never realise why she doesn't get any more work from you. Or did you make it clear?
Here from Michele's

TLP said...

I agree. Today even department store clerks wear jeans! One goes into a nice department store and the clerks selling clothes aren't dressed for work! Your mom was right.

Travelin'Oma said...

I was in a clothing store yesterday and the manager of the store had an outfit on that shouldn't be worn to paint the basement. I wondered why, with her discount, she didn't purchase something appropriate from her sale rack. It's too bad when someone advertises themselves and their abilities so poorly.

Anonymous said...


My daughter worked for a huge company whose name you would recognize.

She was the Administrative Assistant to the controller. She told me that in their corporate circle you did not dress for the job you had, you dressed for the next job UP.

Sure enough, the Vice President's AA left the company and the VP selected my daughter to be his assistant because she looked like she belonged in his executive suite.

Who knows what opportunities your assistant might be missing in the future because you will never hire her again due to her lack of respect for your profession? She doesn't deserve another chance.

What possesses these people to be so careless when their whole working life could be affected by their attitude toward dressing properly?

Anonymous said...

My favourite rant: how to dress.

We would never wear formal clothes to the beach, so why wear beach clothes to a formal occasion.

Beverly said...

So it was your birthday, and not Vicki's? Did we miss it?

Shari said...

Hello, Michele sent me.

You'd think it's an unwritten (or is it written) ethical rule that you dress appropriately for the job. Maybe when people go to school for a certain job, there should be a class in the cirriculum that is about proper attire and attitude. I know it was a part of my classes-how you should present yourself in the field you're interested in.

Bobkat said...

I think it says a lot about the person. I would be apalled at anyone not dressing for the occasion!

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings on this. I have always believed that one needs to be in comfortable clothing that makes doing the job at hand easier. Now saying that, I also believe that neatness and being dressed properly do make for success. Maybe this is a reason that so many places prefer uniforms.

It is good to be back home and reading posts again.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Dress sense is everything. I get annoyed how some people dress for important occasions.

Michele sent me.

Babette said...

Listen to your mothers, people!

They say it's your birthday...

Joy Des Jardins said...

Your mom had it right....very cool lady. I am constantly stunned by the way some people dress in a professional situation....what has happened to the 'pride' factor? Things are VERY different now, arent' they Judy?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

It is hard to imagine someone not knoeing to "dress" for the job...! I mean, if you really don't know, well, ASK! But that is not how it works anymore, is it? Sad to say....

Thanks for your comment Judy....I treasure your friendship, too, and I feel like it's been at least three years that I have been blogging....WRONG! (lol).
But I guess two is quite an acomplishment anyway....! Hope Mr. Kenju is doing well, and you too!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

OOOPS! Forgot to say that Michele sent me here to you this afternoon...(It is still Afternoon, here...And A BEAUTIFUL DAY too!

poopie said...

One thing I've learned from Babygirl's time in food service is that you always wear black and white for the occasion.

Raggedy said...

Ayup your mother was right! That had to be dreadful.
Huggles and Love,

Anne said...

I think you should let this girl know you won't be hiring her again and why. And add a little dig if you so choose, like "...that's too bad, too, considering I'll have a lot of work in the next few weeks..."

ps. Michele sent me.

carmilevy said...

When in doubt, always overdress. I'm saddened at how informal the world seems to have become. There's definitely such thing as too casual, and most people don't seem to care enough to learn the threshold for a given business or life situation.

Which is too bad, because they risk so much in not paying attention.

Maybe someday the pendulum will swing back. No doubt Michele, who sent me here before I walk the dog and tuck in, would concur.

rosemary said...

How sad. Your helper obviously had no pride in herself or the job she was to do. There is casual and then there is just plain old I don't care.

jsdaughter said...

very sound advice indeed-
Michele sent me tonight

MaR said...

Your mom was a clever woman!! Hadn't heard that expression but it is very, very true.

Pat said...


Kristi said...

Your mom was a very wise woman. I cannot even imagine showing up to work a wedding wearing either of the outfits you describe. Anyone involved in working at a wedding reception should look like they belong there.

Moon said...

I have to agree, so many have no idea how to dress for the job, but even worse, so many have no idea how to dress PERIOD!...I can't get over so many girls/women who are wearing tight tops, over bellies that hang over their pant waists!..I mean, ppl not look at their reflection in the mirror before going out? It's appauling and getting worse...seems like most emphisize the worst part of their bodies, rather then the best...slightly plump women make themselves look so much bigger by dressing badly ..but if they knew how to dress..(for anything) they wouldn't even look like they had a few extra lbs at all...I just shake my head at what I see...there is less and less class in way of presenting oneself..and it has nothing to do with money..just in taking the time to find out whats best for your body type etc...I have been overweight most of my life..and never had alot of money but I always took pride in my appearance..casual or formal...I guess ppl care less or just have no idea anymore.