I thought I was tired yesterday, after working 7 hours on my feet. Today I worked 10 and 1/2 hours, and I define tired. Really, I think there MUST be a photo of me by that word in the dictionary!
My car pulled into the hospital parking deck (almost on auto-pilot) at 7:40pm, and even though visiting hours are over at 8pm, I went in, as I have to get mr. kenju ready for the night and the next morning. The routine is that I set out his shaving kit, put clean clothes on the chair beside the bed and make sure everything he needs is close at hand. I don't know why we bother, though, as during the night someone always moves everything around. At least, that is what he tells me. Every morning at 3 a.m., when the new nurses come on duty, they come into the rooms, wake the patients and take their BP and temps. I suppose that is when everything gets moved, and I understand that. Mr. kenju, however, is miffed about it!
As I type, I am watching Fashion Rocks on TV. Alicia Keys is playing the piano and singing. Is there anyone on TV today as beautiful as she is? Beautiful and talented too. Did you know that she writes classical music, as well as rock and pop? She blows me away. In my next life, I want to come back as Alicia Keys! Good night, everyone.
Simply wonderful pictures!
I agree, Alicia Keys is an awesome talent - I hope she stays true to herself and doesn't get dragged in to all the other crud!
Here from Michele!
I hope you get a few easier days Judy, u will make your self sick burning both ends like that...get some rest..it's enough that u are trying to take care of mr'kenju's needs...u will be no good to him if u are sick yourself.
I know its easier said then done...but don't start getting us all worried about you now.
I love alot of those old gas stations btw...some are quite special!!
The top picture is my favorite. There is a charm to these little places. It was fun when things were all unique.
It sounds like exhaustion is setting in, dear Judy...I dearly hope you can get some REAL rest, my dear....
If you didn't set out ALL of Mt. Kemju's things--(Which get moved around anyway...) Wouldn't someone else do it? These re-hab places leave something to be desired, don't they?
Alicia Keys Is Lovely!
Question: Are therse old Gas Srations from a book? If so, I would love to know the name of it...I LOVE these Gas Stations!
Really love those old filling stations.
I've always wondered about waking patients up at 3am to take their BP. It would make me so angry that I guess my BP would rocket! ;)
It amazes me that anyone can sleep in hospital. on a brief stay I found it impossible to sleep on pillows and mattress covered in plastic. What did they think I was going to do?
Sounds like you are in that mode of putting one foot in front of the other, just trying to keep ahead. I can empathize.
Wonderful pictures. For something that can sometimes be so functional, it's nice to see where people have tried to make a difference.
Michele sent me X
What incredible pictures! Wish they had some like that in England.
I wish they would do that around here!
Please get some rest!
You will end up sick if you don't.
When things settle down, please let me know. I see Dream Burgers - and Christmas shopping (gasp!) in our future someplace.
Great photos--I hope Mr. K is getting more sleep than most people do in hospitals.
Thanks Judy....I'll look, too!
I love Alicia Keyes! What a voice!
And the old filling stations are great!!!!
Take care of yourself, Judy!
I just LOVE these photos. I am a sucker for all things RETRO and these are great. Where in the world did you get these?
I wish things would get easier for you, Judy. I don't know how you find the time to blog. You must be a much better time manager than I am!
Still praying for you and Mr. Kenju.
Great pix.....yes, Alicia is a huge talent.
Judy....take care of you....get some rest and quiet time.
I wish there was something I could do to help you.
Thanks for being a living lesson in marriage vows "in sickness and in health" You are truly a wonder woman.
I agree that Alicia Keys is pretty and talented and she isnt the only one
there a few in the biz that are now a days
Michelle sent me
The green and red one, that's really cool. Almost housey looking.
Oh, Kenju, I'm just catching up. I'm so sorry to hear about Mr Kenju (but glad the problems got caught in time). What a time you are having!
Do take care of yourself, and get some rest.
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