I clicked onto Kay's site (Kay's Thinking Cap) Friday and found that I have been given this award for Creative Bloggers. Since I make my living with creativity, it means a lot, Kay. Thanks for tapping me!
All of you whom I have nominated, go here and pick up your award. And don't forget to nominate five of your favorite creative bloggers for the award!
Here is my list of awardees:
Naomi, of Here in the Hills, is creative in every aspect of her life - and it definitely shows in her blog. She writes music and lyrics, acts, paints, has wonderful photos of her garden and the wildlife found there. I cannot imagine that you haven't visited Naomi yet, but if you haven't - GO! You'll thank me later.
Shephard, of Shubert Alley Shephard is a writer and one of the best home decorators I've seen. His photos of his home, his cats and his travels are marvelous and you will be amazed at the eclectic and entertaining posts he comes up with.
Shephard, of Shubert Alley Shephard is a writer and one of the best home decorators I've seen. His photos of his home, his cats and his travels are marvelous and you will be amazed at the eclectic and entertaining posts he comes up with.
Badaunt, of Present Simple, is a New Zealander teaching English in Japan. Many of her posts recount her experiences in school, but on days when she posts animal and bird photos, accompanied by her stories and dialog, she is a very creative treat! Here's an example!
Anna, of Anna's Photo of the Day, takes the most amazing photos wherever she happens to be. She also writes creative captions and commentary about them. I know she is travelling now, so she might not be able to respond to this award quickly (but that's not a problem)! You will benefit from a daily dose of Anna - so go!
Di Overton, of Designer's Block, has daily photo posts of home furnishings from all over the world. Need ideas? Here's your spot. Need the perfect gift for newlyweds? Check here first! She even has her own line of products, called Ghost Furniture. Scroll back through the pages to see it. I don't expect Di to see this or to nominate others.....I just thought you ought to see one of the most creative on the web.
Di Overton, of Designer's Block, has daily photo posts of home furnishings from all over the world. Need ideas? Here's your spot. Need the perfect gift for newlyweds? Check here first! She even has her own line of products, called Ghost Furniture. Scroll back through the pages to see it. I don't expect Di to see this or to nominate others.....I just thought you ought to see one of the most creative on the web.
I hope you will enjoy discovering the many creative talents of my choices! Again, thanks to Kay for my nomination!
I've just visited each of your nominees- great choices, Judy. Naomi's hummers are wonderful! and I love the home design blog, too. Marked both of those for future visits- and Shephard's cat is delightful! Thank you for the great links!
P.S.And you are undisputedly the quenn of creative- congrats!
Hooray for new blogs! I'm off to go look, and maybe get ideas for the tiny house.
Thank you sooo very much Judy...And thank you for your very wonderful words! I dearly appreciate this award and am thrilled you see my "creativity"...
Like your last honoree...I too, won't pick five people---I just haqve a very hard time with awards, as you may recall....BUT, I do dearly apprecuate you bestowing this honor on me!
Reporting in, ma'am:
The white sauce mac and cheese was too good to pass up. So I didn't leave any behind for seconds.
Thanks for the recipe!
Oh, but tell me, when you don't got an ounce measurer, how do you know when you come to 8 ounces?
Congrats! I'll check out the two I don't know.
Judy, you definitely deserve this award. I love coming to your blog and seeing the photos of your creativity with flowers, the old photos each with a story, and the names and quotes you collect.
And I'm honored that you thought of me as well. Thank you!
Awesome...new blogs to peek at!
Here via Michele's this evening... now off I go to see new peoples!
Congratulations, and great job, Judy!
Michele told me to follow you down the line.....
Judy...I was ansewering that stupid nasty jerk on Michele's..No, I didn't go visit him, but I just had to tell him what a horruble jerk he is...And whiole I was doing that, you came in and so I'm visiting you, my dear.,..WHAT HAS HAPPENED Over at Michele's....this kind of thing NEVER used to go on? Something has changed and it is truly sad!
Anyway, my dear, Michele sent me back to you, tonight!
Ooh! I just noticed this! Thank you so much, Judy. And congratulations to you, too!
Hi Judy. I admire your choices: they're all exceptional bloggers!
BTW, you were my hero long before the kerfuffle on Michele's blog. I'm kinda glad this doofus decided to show up, as he allowed everyone the opportunity to appreciate what we have.
Hello, Michele sent me, and I'm glad I came, if you're an award winning blogger, that means I get to rub elboes with royality!
Congrats again! Naomi is the only one I know well so if they come up to her standard they are well worth looking up but we have rare sunshine so I must make the effort and go outside. What excitement at Michele's. Thank goodness for Mike and Carmi.
Michele sent me this morning. Have a great day!
I will visit your choices, Judy as you have visited mine! Just what we both need -- more blogs to visit!
Congrats on your award! It´s nice to be recognized, isn´t it?
Here from Michele´s.
Congratulations, Judy! You really deserve that Award! I'll soon visit the bogs I don't know.
Thanks for your visiting and comment on my blog today!
Congrats Judy....I certainly agree with Kay on this one my creative comrad.
Congrats Judy! I will check your nominees, Anna and the Designer's Block I visit often, their pictures are just amazing.
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