Seven-Seven-Oh-Seven !
the most popular wedding date of the decade...maybe even the century. Here are scenes from my 7-7-07 wedding. I didn't get shots of the bride's bouquet or the altar flowers, but these are from the reception at Carolina Country Club. I have a collection of silver plated containers, which have proven popular with my brides over the years. Everytime I deliver them, I wonder if they will all return, but I have been lucky and only one or two have disappeared.

You can't tell it from this angle, but there were three teapots on this table. I'm sure it was a good conversation-starter, as usual (not for the flowers, mind you, but the whimsy of the teapots).

This is my favorite silver piece. It is a Victorian container, which once held a glass insert. Click to enlarge and see the whimsical details on the base of it. You can't see it, but the handle, which is down, has a very detailed stag's head at its center.

Details from the buffet flowers. The purple fluff ball - allium - is always a big hit. The women of the altar guild at the church all flocked around the altar arrangements to see the allium. Would you believe it is in the onion family?

The acuba came from my yard.
Judy - Those look BEAUTIFUL! ~ jb///
You used springerii? My heavens, I thought I would never see it again.
(P.S. What in hell is springerii?)
I saved your allium picture. My partner is a big fan of allium. Also garlic.
Gorgeous flowers Judy. So that 7-7-7 thing really was a 'thing' huh? It would take a lit more for me to tie the matrimonial knot than just some lucky 7's.
Gorgeous, Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are so pretty Judy. I just love flowers. It makes me want to get married all over again!
Do you have a shop or do you work out of your home? These are beautiful arrangements!
Beautiful flowers and silver pieces! Thanks for sharing...
: )
these are awesome.. i love the colors!
Beautiful! I especially love the hydrangea; they're among my favorites.
With a name like allium, you bet I believe it's from the onion family! You could raise even more eyebrows by saying it's from the garlic family! tee hee. All the flowers are lovely - makes me wish I could have gotten married on 7-7-7. Of course, that would have meant waiting for Champs for another 8 years...Naw! Have you ever had a bride ask for tulips? I know they're hard to work with, but oh, so pretty!
Say, you asked if the high temp and humidity were unusual for Minneapolis. Actually, it's not; with something like 16,000 lakes, once the temp gets above 86 or so, the humidity climbs really fast. The city evaporates! Because Minneapolis is so much colder than other cities in the winter, people are often surprised to learn that it is so much hotter in the summer. It is, though.
Thanks for keeping me on your radar, Judy. I appreciate it!
Lovely, lovely. I have a small window here for commenting, so I'm trying to get them all in.
I'm so glad you're feeling better.
The acuba is gorgeous....
hang on a minute, you were sick all weekend... how did you come to take such beautiful pictu...
[BreadBox is carried away by the Kenju security ninjas for "inconvenient questions"]
Glad you're back to normal!
These are incredible... love the colors... so cool... and such a hot weekend. What was with the 7-7-7 thing... next year will the big wedding date be 8-8-8?
Nyssa was here to help me with the storage unit and going through boxes. Thank goodness... I was really getting depressed about the work. Tomorrow the phone gets put in... I hope. And Wednesday my furniture from storage gets delivered... but I have to get someone from Maytag to unbolt the washer and a new cord for the dryer and someone to put the grandfather clock back together. I may see if I can do the latter. Stephen just keeps saying not to stress... he is in Europe, not facing boxes that weigh fifty pounds. Arrrrgh!
Oh, forgot to say... I am so glad you are feeling better... hope the bug wasn't going around to your whole family!
Beatiful flowers! You have a real talent for creating art with blooms!
Don't want to be nasty, but if it takes 7-07-7 to get married, one can hope 9-09-9 won't be fatal to the marriage!
Lovely flowers though!
You know Judy, I still don't want to get married, but I really *do* want you to make me some flowers.
Pretty please!
How I love those delicate coloura!
Hello Judy,
The brides had all the luck way before 7/7/7 when they chose you to make their floral arrangements.
They are gorgeous!!!!!
Thank you, Nancy! What a sweet compliment.
Beautiful arrangements and such cool colors for summer weather. Wasn't there a song that went something like, "lovely to look at?" That sure fits your flowers. ;-)
Glad your feeling better.
Love the blue/purple hues. So pretty and different!
GORGEOUS Judy...Truly! I LOVE all those colors...the purples/lavender family, The Blues/Family...And it all looks so lovely together with the whites and the green of the leaves...I am so bad on names of flowers...ALL of these are just gorgeous! And those silver containers---particularly that last one with those adorable heads---they are charming! And I think you have been very very lucky to have only lost one or two!
Thanks for giving me a heads up about it....I somehow missed this post!
Love when you show your flower arrangements!
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